Thursday, September 30, 2010
On Getting a Bead on Belief: I am equally Jewish and Mormon, but way more Quaker with a pinch of Baha'i.
ebvBaha'i Faith (91%). 6. Liberal Quakers (88%) ..... I am equally Jewish and Mormon, but way more Quaker with a pinch of Baha'i. 1 day ago ... - 25 minutes ago
JUDY WOODRUFF: There's no doubt that faith and religion play a large role in American life. But a new survey out today shows that Americans' basic knowledge about their religion and others is somewhat lacking.
Posted by
2:06 PM
On Kevin Locke Without Regalia: Hoops and a boom box
Posted by
1:13 PM
On Addressing the Psychological Conflicts of Youth With Meaning and Purpose: Baha'i junior youth groups appreciated
I recently participated in a workshop sponsored by the local Baha’i community ( titled ‘Animator Training for Junior Youth’. I was expecting a religious-based program with a narrow focus on the spiritual development of adolescents. I showed up to the program, and took my seat with the worries of a full day of psychiatric practice still running through my head. ...The purpose was not to create a utopia, but rather to work collectively towards a better world. The bonus was to find out that these programs and activities are going on all over the world! Reports of the success of these wonderful young people were coming from places as varied as war-ravaged African countries and the neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the U.S.
I left the gathering feeling hopeful about the future of our world. I also felt rejuvenated to approach psychological conflicts and deficits in my patients within the wider context of the meaning and purpose of our lives.
Posted by
12:05 PM
On Images From the Feast of Mashiyyat: Remembering the Feast orchid

Posted by
7:32 AM
On Images From the Feast of Mashiyyat: DJ-in for Feast and remembering the orchid

Posted by
7:16 AM
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
On Dreams and Their Interpretation: An analysis in the Baha'i religion
Posted by
8:34 AM
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
On So This Is the Message I Got From Facebook: Consider the relationship confirmed
Posted by
3:37 PM
Monday, September 27, 2010
On Jamie Franks Photos for the Month of Mashyyat: The Baha'i teachings extol the supremacy of God's Will
Yes, there is predestination in the Baha'i teachings, however, it is not viewed as an absolute force governing every detail of human life. The Baha'i teachings assert that God, through His Will, through His Divine Messengers, and in response to human prayers, influences the course of human history and causes some events to happen according to His Will. Baha'i teachings extol the supremacy of God's Will:
"O thou who art turning thy face towards God! Close thine eyes to all things else, and open them to the realm of the All-Glorious. Ask whatsoever thou wishest of Him alone; seek whatsoever thou seekest from Him alone. With a look He granteth a hundred thousand hopes, with a glance He healeth a hundred thousand incurable ills, with a nod He layeth balm on every wound, with a glimpse He freeth the hearts from the shackles of grief. He doeth as He doeth, and what recourse have we? He carrieth out His Will, He ordaineth what He pleaseth. Then better for thee to bow down thy head in submission, and put thy trust in the All-Merciful Lord." ('Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha, p. 51)
The best thing a human being can do once he realizes the superiority of God's authority is to turn heart and soul towards His Will and His Word.
"Whatsoever He, the Well-Beloved, ordaineth, the same is, verily, beloved. To this He Who is the Lord of all creation beareth Me witness." (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 21-22)
Mashiyyat....sept. 27, the Baha'i month of 'Will' .... the will of 'god' is evident to me in Nature and children, and occasionally in adults .... -- james eugene frank · Sets
Posted by
8:27 AM
Sunday, September 26, 2010
On DJ-ing for a Bonifide Baha'i Barn Dance: The high points
ComfortTherm batts are sized to fit standard cavities. You can cut JM ComfortTherm insulation easily with an ordinary utility knife to fit nonstandard cavities, and install it by simply pressing in place between studs or joists. You can secure the insulation by stapling the flanges to wood studs. ComfortTherm is also available in a reverse-flange underfloor configuration with the vapor retarder toward the floor.
Posted by
9:31 PM
On Taking a Hike in the Neighborhood: A team building exercise in its own right
Posted by
8:50 PM
Friday, September 24, 2010
On Maximizing Human Potential: The study of infant mental health inspired by the beauty of the day
Posted by
4:50 AM
On Tom and Renee Come to Baha'i Devotions: I just see these signs of desire for unity
Posted by
4:04 AM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
On an International Year of Youth Writing Contest: Are the millennium goals achievable?''

Are you between the age of 15 and 20? Do you have things to say to the international community? Enter UN Chronicle’s youth writing contest to celebrate the International Year of Youth! One winning article will be published in UN Chronicle’s special issue on youth. Second and third place winners will receive a free year’s subscription.
THE TOPIC: “Are the Millennium Development Goals Achievable?” ...
PICK ONE OF THE 8 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS and explain whether you think it is achievable or not. The article must be more than a personal essay and must highlight a project that has been done, or it must include facts and research. For more information on the Millennium Development Goals, visit
1) Write a 900-word article on the theme: “Are the Millennium Development Goals Achievable?” (Pick ONE of the MDGs and explain whether it is achievable or not.)
2) Include your name, age, country, and word count of the article at the top of every page.
3) Submit to
4) Title the email “Youth Writing Contest” and include your country and age. e.g. Youth Writing Contest, Cindy Mueller, 25
CONTEST DEADLINE: September 30, 2010
Posted by
1:47 PM
On an Offline version of iMemorize: Just released

Dear George, I wanted to let you know that we have just released an offline version of iMemorize. You can get it here:
In addition to the offline support, includes a few updates -- most notably it now supports other langage characters. So although the pre-populated quotes are still in English, users can add their own quotes in Spanish, French, German and Portuguese.
Warmest regards,B
To be able to cite the Baha'i Writings by heart is always an asset. I keep thinking, if I were thrown in prison for being a Baha'i, what prayers would I have in my heart I could draw on at any time? Those that I have memorized. -gw
Posted by
11:51 AM
On Where the Greatest New Music Is Being Created in 2010: And the runner-up is...

George,I may have sent this to you before. If not .........
I think Baha'i-inspired music as a genre, being created in all parts of the globe and so diverse, is the greatest new music of today. So here is a great suggestion for a runner-up. Thanks, Frank, for sending this on. -gw
----- Original Message ----- From: Martin -- Where is the greatest new music being created in 2010?
Y'all,I have spent many hours exploring the music of various countries this year,
and it can accumulate like a tower of Babel unless you are able to process
the Art with knowledge of both past and present.New Orleans was one of the great multi cultural focal points 100 years
ago. Historians basically agree on this fact, but WHERE is it happening
today?I believe it is in Algeria, and is expressed through a style called
Raï. This is a style which blends just about everything the pop musicians
of the world are trying to say. There is Muslim Raï, Hindu Raï, Hip-Hop
Raï, and it has a common thread. The message is perhaps best found in the
1996 song by Khaled. The English translated lyrics are:"El Harba Wayn"
Where has youth gone?
Where are the brave ones?
The rich gorge themselves
The poor work themselves to death
The Islamic charlatans show their true face...
You can always cry or complain
Or escape... but where?W.A.Y.N. = Where Are You Now?
The literal translation of raï is "opinion" (along with "my way", "tell it
like it is!" and many other possible translations). Raï is the symbol of a
lifestyle of cynicism and anti-authoritarianism, and is the common thread
of almost all new art that has ever been created by the youth of our
world. Try and tell me that Jazz and Ragtime weren't cynical and
anti-authoritarian. They most certainly were!Marty
Here are some fine examples, if you would like to follow:My favorite, because it captures so much modern reality (and with humor):
Is this Latin, African Tribal, or Muslim? Who cares!
The 1996 W.A.Y.N. video. We're NOT in India? No, this is from Algeria.Big Ali, a NYC born Hip-Hop musician turned French and Algerian Raï artist:
Posted by
11:40 AM
On a Change of Address: Moving in support of the Plan

"a shift in consciousness""building community""capacity building""the new national Baha'i website""updates on the web""new book""in support of the Plan""a natural progression""a shift in consciousness""reaching the goals of this Plan""children, parents and the friends get involved together""love for the Baha'i revelation dissolves barriers""change of address"
Posted by
7:34 AM
On an Alternative Reality to the Mourning of America: The Destiny of America
Everybody's angry. But anger is cheap and tired. Most Americans are also sad. The always bountiful America seems on the edge of famine, spiritual if not literal, although the latter seems all too possible as jobs disappear and businesses close.
And then in the newly arrived American Baha'i (I love it!) I see the ad for America's Sacred Calling: Building a New Spiritual Reality, "a call to action for America to embrace a new society that honors the spiritual reality of the human soul."

Posted by
7:04 AM
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
On 25, 10, and One: Healing the world, a soul at a time
O thou yearner after the Kingdom! Each Manifestations is the heart of the world and the proficient Physician of every patient. The world of humanity is sick, but that skilled Physician hath the healing remedy and He bestoweth divine teachings, exhortations and advices which are the remedy of every ailment and the dressing for every wound. Undoubtedly, the wise physician discovereth the needs of the patient at every season and prescribeth medicine. Therefore, when thou wilt compare the teachings of the Beauty of Abha with the requisitions and necessities of the present time, thou wilt conclude that they are to the sick body of the world the swift healing antidote; nay, rather they are the remedy of everlasting health. The prescription of the proficient physicians of the past and the future will not be the same; nay, rather they will be in accord with the ailment of the patient. Although the medicine is changed, yet all of these are for the sole purpose of the healing of the sick. In former dispensations the sick body of the world could not bear the strong and overpowering remedies. That is why His Highness the Christ said: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of the Comforter, who is sent by the Father, is come, He will guide you into all truth.”
Posted by
8:51 PM
On Breaking a Record for Consecutive Paddles: And rain
In Washington, consecutive daily-record rainfall amounts were established on September 17-18 in Olympia and Seattle, with 2-day totals reaching 2.52 ...
Posted by
7:59 PM
Monday, September 13, 2010
On Hectore in Haifa: The evening shift
Posted by
11:16 PM
On Two Family Gatherings: A Sunday in September
Posted by
10:46 AM
On Daisy's Room: Smile, because I care
Posted by
9:37 AM
On the Involvement of Non-Baha'is in Baha'i Core Activities: A focus of action-oriented committees in Baha'i clusters
Quite unlike how most "committees" function, an area teaching committee is essentially meant to serve as an "action team". To truly understand the Five Year Plan requires that one engage in Plan processes and experience its components, not just read about them.
The Area Teaching Committee is a new entity. It differs greatly from the District Teaching Committees of decades past. As I look over a document describing the duties of the ATC, I am struck by the fact that this body is focusing on the development of the planet, and not just the expansion of the Baha'i religion.
The Baha'i Faith is not another minority religion among a bevy of minority religions in the world each of which is striving to increase its "market share" through increasing its membership enrollments. Rather Baha'is are transforming the planet through putting in place core activities that incorporate the teachings of Baha'u'llah and invite people of all Faiths, or no Faith, to join us in the process. It is what Baha'is do, but, as we are discovering, many souls are willing to step up to become tutors or children's teaching or junior youth animators, whether they have declared their Faith in Baha'u'llah of not.
As I look over the ATC document, these words and phrases stand out for me, reflecting the language of what has been termed the institute process.
- operating at the grassroots level
- action-oriented
- learning-based
- organized
- collaborative
- working to enlarge resources
- mobilizing for service
- assessing
- analyzing
- reflecting
- an organic process
Posted by
9:33 AM
Friday, September 10, 2010
On Ten Tonight at Baha'i Devotions: Spiritual community building starts in our living room
Posted by
7:42 AM
Thursday, September 09, 2010
On Abridged Hiking in Washington's Channeled Scablands: Or the complete boxed set
DescriptionThe Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington are home to geologic features not found anywhere else in the world. Catastrophic floods raced through the area during the last Ice Age, carving channels through the mostly flat land. Today, rolling hills of cropland and sagebrush steppe habitat are interspersed with canyons of carved basalt columns. A completely unique world exists within those canyon walls. Creeks and lakes support grasslands and trees. Wildlife and wildflowers thrive. Remnants of early Native American settlements and pioneer homesteads speak of the first inhabitants.
Posted by
10:49 PM
On a How-To Video for Spiritual Community Building: The example of Fort Collins
BahaiNationalCenter | September 07, 2010
This summer, fifteen teenagers gathered in the Rocky Mountains for a unique brand of summer camp. They focused on learning how they can start classes for children and junior youth empowerment programs in their own neighborhoods.
Nearby Fort Collins, Colorado provided opportunities for the youth to practice what they were learning. The Fort Collins Baha'is sponsor weekly children's classes in two distinct neighborhood settings. The youth participants gained real-life experience in the classroom.
Posted by
10:31 PM
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
On Camping at Coffeepot Lake: Tea, instead
Muhammad-‘Alí would carefully consider every blessing that came his way. “How delicious my tea is today,” he would comment. “What perfume, what color! How lovely this meadow is, and the flowers so bright!” He used to say that everything, even air and water, had its own special fragrance. For him the days passed in indescribable delight. Even kings were not so happy as this old man, the people said. “He is completely free of the world,” they would declare. “He lives in joy.”
Posted by
11:14 AM
On Photos for the Feast of Might: 'Izzat
ok, George, now it's 'done' ..... see you tonite, I moved my trip to Thurs. morning ...... Jamie
tenth Baha'i month ... ' Izzat', of course ...... another attribute of G_d ...... james eugene frank · Sets
Posted by
9:29 AM
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
On 100 Years of Baha'i Spiritual Education: A new video from the Baha'i National Center
Posted by
3:58 PM
On Sticking It Out: And be not of those who doubt
Xhosa and Persian -- "A darling Baha'i lady from Jo'burg - she is in typical Xhosa makeup - though this was end of day and most of it had worn off, but you can see her cheeks and part of her outfit, mother of friend of mine, has a complicated name!!!"By .Rouzeh
Soon what I thought was confirmation for me to stay in Uganda became confirmation for me to stay in South Africa. As I talked to people about the problems that I had noticed in SA the reactions changed from “You should come here” to “they need all the help they can get, you should stay there”. That was the whole reason I decided to come to SA in the first place, because I realised how much they need the help. Losing that anger and resentment was so relieving. Suddenly I was excited about going home and putting my new energy into action. All it took was me removing myself from the picture and looking at things holistically instead of only from my point of view.
There is a prayer in the Baha’i Writings called the Tablet of Ahmad that really hit me. Although I’ve read it tonnes of times before, I've even memorised it, there was one line that I really took from it on this trip
“And be not of those who doubt.”
I challenged myself fulfil this line. Stop doubting life when things get hard, try more perseverance and determination. So I’m going to stick it out here in South Africa. It’s going to be hard and trying and frustrating but that’s ok. I have removed all my prior expectations and I’m just going to do what I can “Even if the swords of the enemies rain blows upon thee and all the heavens and the earth arise against thee..”
Posted by
11:40 AM
On the Sports Kid on Cover: The ultimate illustration
Posted by
9:08 AM
Saturday, September 04, 2010
On Old News: Bonita's Already Told the Story
Posted by
8:09 AM
Thursday, September 02, 2010
On Bonita Shops Cabela's: All firearms must be inspected
Our Commitment to Stewardship
REI is helping to build a lasting legacy of trails, rivers, and wild lands for generations to come, supporting programs to help people of all ages and experiences participate. REI's involvement and impact in local communities reached new heights in 2009. Investing $2 million in outdoor recreation programs and stewardship projects, REI helped care for areas of recreation, introduce people to the outdoors and leverage additional dollars for great programs. Sally Jewell, REI's president and CEO stated, "REI recognizes that today's youth will be tomorrow's stewards of the environment. REI is committed to providing opportunities for young people to experience the joys of outdoor recreation and learn how to care for open spaces and our shared public lands."
Brilliant Star wins APEX Award of Excellence for Green Writing
July 22, 2010
Brilliant Star magazine, published for children ages 8–12 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States, received a 2010 APEX Award of Excellence for Green Writing for its March/April 2009 issue entitled "Caring for Our Planet," which was produced in observance of the U.N. Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005–2014. This is the magazine's fourth APEX Award for Publication Excellence
Posted by
4:07 PM
On Rocky's Other Granddaughter: Caring and sharing
George,Check out the Tacoma Weekly. What an article they did on Tierra and her family! Look in the sport section.Rocky
Thus from the very beginning of life every child will be refreshed by the gentle wafting of the love of God and will tremble with joy at the sweet scent of heavenly guidance.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
On Amped Up to Study a Prayer With Someone: Andrene to the rescue

Posted by
11:07 PM
On What If My Friend Finds Out: So long afternoons at IKEA
From there she joined the Baha'i faith. ... [S]he stayed with them because she had made a friend in the community who visited her and took her out to buy New Balance sneakers and sheets from IKEA. They also prayed together, and Linda found the Baha'i prayers comforting.

I told her that if the Baha'i prayers were comforting, she should continue to say them. But now she had a conflict. She had recently joined the Church of the Nazarene because she heard they had great prayer groups. She was excited to report to me that two members of the church had already visited her and brought flowers and Nazarene paperwork. But then her mood darkened, and she said, "I did call one of the ladies after their visit, to invite her to come over again, but she said she was going to be busy all of September. She wasn't as nice on the phone as she was when she was here.""Can I stay a Baha'i and also be a member of the Nazarenes?" she asked. "What if my Baha'i friend finds out? She'll stop visiting me." So long, afternoons at IKEA.
Then she paused and said, "Am I just being wishy-washy? Shouldn't I just pick a religion and stick to it?"
I was taken off guard by her sudden insight. I often think that my agnosticism is wishy-washy. I was brought up Catholic, ...
Posted by
9:42 PM
On Gracing the Nine-Pointed Star: Immaculate and her radiant children

Posted by
6:55 AM