Thursday, September 30, 2010

On Addressing the Psychological Conflicts of Youth With Meaning and Purpose: Baha'i junior youth groups appreciated

I recently participated in a workshop sponsored by the local Baha’i community ( titled ‘Animator Training for Junior Youth’.  I was expecting  a religious-based program with a narrow focus on the spiritual development of  adolescents.  I showed up to the program, and took my seat with the worries of a full day of psychiatric practice still running through my head. ...

The purpose was not to create a utopia, but rather to work collectively towards a better world. The bonus was to find out that these programs and activities are going on all over the world!  Reports of the success of these wonderful young people were coming from places as varied as war-ravaged African countries and the  neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the U.S.

I left the gathering feeling hopeful about the future of our world.  I also felt rejuvenated to approach psychological conflicts and deficits in my patients within the wider context of the meaning and purpose of our lives.

It was nice to come across this blog on behavioral health, which is, essentially, my field, one that mentions the Faith. Baha'i Junior Youth groups really can be a counter to forces of society contributing to a the dysregulated emotional state of many youth. I remember Ferris' comments on the subject back at Neah Bay in 2008.
Here are two other posts Br Dr Sabet on this site that mention the Faith.  -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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