Thursday, January 31, 2008
On the Power of Baha'i Music: All of a sudden I started to feel better

The quotation is from a section entitled "Good Ideas Must Be Carried Into Action" from the Baha'i Writings, one of mine and Milly's favorites.....
"Therefore strive that your actions day by day may be beautiful prayers."
A much needed pick-me-up!
My Thoughts Exactly...
From pictures to people, from recipes to ramblings, from sports to sanity, from thoughts to triumphs.....this is my life!
Photo: Uploaded on December 1, 2006 by _moonpie on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
Posted by
6:45 PM
On Phoebe Hearst, Baha'i: Co-Founder of the Parent-Teacher Association
US 1463
You knew that Phoebe Hearst was a Baha'i, right? Did you also know she was a co-founder of the PTA? Note the text on the First Day Cover currently for sale on eBay. Below are some other interesting facts about Phoebe Hearst that you may not know, as excerpted from comments made to a previous Baha'i Views post regarding Phoebe Hearst. -gw
Anonymous said...
... Phoebe Hearst is one of my interests as she saved Green Acre Baha'i School, and was such an important early Baha'i. It is also now known that she asked to give Abdul Baha a large share of her huge fortune to the Baha'i funds, but he did not accept it, and only asked for her "heart" instead.
Anonymous said...
... Regarding the offer of a portion of the Hearst fortune to the Baha'i funds, this is mentioned in two different sources I cannot think of at the moment. There was one unfortunate character who claimed to be a Baha'i who asked numerous early members of the community for funds for Baha'i projects and then used them for his own lifestyle. Because of the problems created by this person, Abdul Baha told Mrs. Hearst that she would not have to deal with a situation like this again because she should decline any requests for funds since they did not come from Abdul Baha. He asked for her heart instead and told her to use these funds for charitable projects, which she did including the building of various YWCA's and the University of California (Berkeley), as well as other schools, health clinics, and institutions.
It is because of Mrs. Hearst that we have the first group of pilgrims from the West, and her generosity to various Baha'i projects really helped to ignite the early American, as well as European (London and Paris) Baha'i community growth. She was very quiet in her Faith and became rather "inactive", but was a great friend to many Baha'is till the end of her life and felt that her pilgrimage to Abdul Baha was the spiritual highlight of her life. The idea that such a wealthy woman would go to visit a prisoner in Akka back is rather extraordinary. Imagine what courage and devotion they had as they left their worlds of comfort and priviledge! Her husband, George Hearst, was a U.S. senator and passed away. I guess you can tell this is a big interest of mine, and maybe some day I will write a book on the information I have collected.
Posted by
6:12 PM
On Teaching Nick, the Teahouse Buddy: Action photo
Posted by
6:53 AM
On Remembering Morrey: A Staunch Baha'i
m o r r e y a r e n b r o w n
December 28, 1988 ~ September 20, 2007
- m e m o r i a m -
spiritual warrior * scholar * athlete * pianist * poet * dreamer
Morrey attended Lindbergh High School through his junior year and graduated from Kentridge High School in June 2007. He planned to continue his education and training at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA in order to pursue his dreams of being involved in sports medicine and becoming an Olympic decathlete. His Bahá'í ( belief of "excellence in all things" drove him to be a gifted writer, classical pianist, athlete, and artist. His intellect and wisdom were those of someone beyond his eighteen years. He believed in service to humanity and was an active volunteer, coach, and mentor. Morrey was a “happy and joyful being" whose vivacity inspired everyone with whom he had contact. Still in this world are brother Ajan; father and mother Jonathan and Cynthia; great grandmother Theresa Collum; grandmothers Barbara Newman and Maureen Sullivan; Grantie Fa and Nette Lemon; and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. Morrey's earthly remains were interred in the San Luis Obispo Cemetery. Donations can be made to the Morrey Brown Memorial Fund at any Boeing Employees Credit Union.
Consistent with Morrey's striving for excellence in all things were many accomplishments at such a young age were:
City of Seattle Public Library -6th grade Poetry Award winner, 7th grade finalist
People to People Ambassador Youth Conference Delegate. Traveled to Florida
Presidential Award for Physical Fitness
City of Renton Champion in 100m, and 200m
Member of the Renton Youth Council
8th Place '05 Washington State Championship in 100m, 12th in 200m
7th Place at '07 Washington State Championship in 100m, 10th in 200m
Finalist at '05 and '06 Simplot Games
Many awards and medals in youth track and field including member of silver medalist relay team at Hershey Nationals
Posted by
6:37 AM
On Building the Kingdom of God Using Lego Blocks: Ensuring that Every Baha'i Community Is Prepared to Meet the Spiritual Needs of Children
I feel moved to re-post this email exchange. Dr C is a dear soul who heard about the Faith from one of her patients. She is Boston-Irish, and her husband is Scottish, although without the brogue, I am told. We have so much to learn from the seekers who come knocking on our doors. Dr C has a young son; parents with young children are so often actively looking for a spiritual practice they can be raising them in. This fact illustrates the wisdom of ensuring that every Baha'i community be prepared to meet the spiritual needs of children. From the Unviersal House of Justice's guidance and the focus of the Ruhi Institute Process, we know that the holding of children's classes is one of the core activities of the Baha'i community life. -gw
I am glad you like the music mixes. There is so much great music being produced by Baha’is, now that recording equipment is so widely available and relatively cheap. One can really get a flavor of the Faith by listening to the music.
I’d be delighted to drive, if you don’t mind riding in a van with wildlife and canoe decals all over it. It can seat seven, as there may be three other grade-school age girls I may be transporting, and there is certainly room for the car seat.
An idea some of us were discussing the other day was to offer a play group right here in Tacoma for the mother’s of young children, whereby somebody could give the children a fun play experience while the mothers have a chance to meet separately for visiting or even study. The Gig Harbor Baha’i school has been having a Ruhi study circle for the adults who aren’t teaching during class time for the kids.
If it’s OK with you, then we’ll plan on stopping by a little after 10. Just tell me whether work or home.
I might mention there is a Baha’i home party/information gathering Bonita and I are going to Saturday evening starting at 7:30. I don’t know if you would be up to two events in one day, but it would be great to have you (and your partner!) be able to come to that as well, if you are available.
P.S. Here are some links on a Baha’i-Scotland connection:
From: C
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:28 PM
To: George Dannells
Subject: Sat children's event
Hi George,
I am thoroughy enjoying the CD mixes. There are a couple tracks in particular that I'll have to ask you about.
Thank you so much for taking your time to put these together--I really appreciate it.
We are up for attending the Baha'i event in Gig Harbor this Saturday. I'd be happy to drive (and of course a car seat is needed for Liam) us or meet up with you there--whatever works best.
We had a great time visiting with you and Bonita, as you could tell Liam felt right at home and didn't want to leave!
Posted by
6:08 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
On Baha'is Online: Moderating Influences
Kudus to the moderating influences online, the Baha'is who serve as moderators for the various Internet forums open for discussion about the Baha'i Faith. Here is one of them, World Citizen, moderator on Beliefnet. -gw

About Me
I believe in one God, one eternal religious truth progressively revealed by God to different peoples through the Ages, and in the family of man -- one human race created by God from the same dust.

Ciao, Shalom, Salaam, Namaste, Peace!
Posted by
11:06 PM
On Mais de 50 Baha’is condenados por “distribuição de...: The word spreads and public opinion of Iran is further damaged
"A little flower in prison," Uploaded on September 29, 2006 by HAMED MASOUMI on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
The news spreads and public opinion of Iran is further damaged. -gw
Iran Sentences Baha'is to Prison
1 hour ago on Digg / World News / upcoming
Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha'i faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the country's Islamic
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6 hours ago by Canadian Guy TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha'i faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the country's Islamic regime, state media reported. Ali Reza Jamshidi, Iran's judiciary ...Canadian Guy -
Mais de 50 Baha’is condenados por “distribuição de...
7 hours ago by Andr on O Insurgente
Iran Sentences Baha’is to Prison Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha’i faith were convicted of distributing
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Mais de 50 Baha’is condenados por “distribuição de propaganda” no Irão
6 hours ago by André Azevedo Alves Iran Sentences Baha’is to Prison Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha’i faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the country’s Islamic regime, state media reported.O Insurgente -
More than 50 Bahá'ís get prison terms for talking about their...
9 hours ago on Newsvine - iran
Iran yesterday sentenced three Baha'i to four years in jail for security offences after being convicted of propaganda against the political system
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Oltre 50 fedeli Bahai condannati perché parlano della loro fede
7 hours ago by navid68 Tre fedeli condannati al carcere, altri 51 hanno la sospensione della pena, ma dovranno frequentare corsi “di indottrinamento”. La persecuzione contro il culto Bahai è sistematica dal 1979. I seguaci sono condannati anche solo perché ...La Fede Baha'i in Italia -
Iran sentences dozens of Baha'is for anti-government propaganda
22 hours ago on Science News latest RSS headlines - Big News
TEHRAN, Iran - Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha'i faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the...
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"More than 50 Bahá’ís get prison terms for talking about their
10 hours ago on WorldWide Religious News
("AsiaNews", January 30, 2008) Tehran, Iran – Iran yesterday sentenced three Baha'i to four years in jail for security offences after being
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Iran sentences dozens of Baha’is for anti-government propaganda
9 hours ago by admin Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha’i faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the country’s Islamic government. via CANOE.JP -
News :: Iran sentences Baha’is for teaching children
... members of the Baha'i Faith who were arrested in May 2006 in Shiraz while taking part in a project to educate underprivileged children. According to AFP, judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi told reporters that, "three Bahais have been sentenced to four years in prison for propaganda against the regime ...
12 hours ago · Baha'i Library Forum ·
Iran: January 30/ 10 bahman
15 hours ago by christinA eijkhout In Iran are Tuesday 3 Baha'i sentenced to four years in prison for "propaganda against the regime" and 51 Baha'i received suspended one-year jail terms. According to judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi the suspension of the sentence ...empirical-what-you-see-you-get -
Iran imprisons Baha'is for their faith
15 hours ago on Iran News latest RSS headlines - Big News
Iran yesterday sentenced three Baha'i to four years in jail for security offences after being convicted of propaganda against the political system
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Posted by
9:43 PM
On One Planet International School: Ethiopian Accredited

"Every child is potentially the light of the world"

Schools come to an end and schools begin, as the need arises. -gw
Posted by
12:51 PM
On Truth, Free Will, and Ruhi: Seeking
Tonight is study circle night in our home. Todd, too, knows the joys of Ruhi. -gw
A Seeker of Truth, Free Will, and Ruhi Study Circles
This blog post is a response to a friend of mine who, upon hearing criticisms of the Baha'i Faith from his friends, decided to investigate matters for himself and join a Ruhi Study Circle. I have copied my response below:
Posted by
12:29 PM
On Friends of the Faith: He will pray that the dearest wishes of your heart may be realized
"Waiting for a friend," Uploaded on November 26, 2007 by Klipang Torok on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
It's always nice to have friends. -gw
Letter of 29 November 1952
To an individual
Dear Spiritual Brother:
Your letter dated February 13th, 1952, has been received by Shoghi Effendi, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
We are always happy to have friends of the Bahá’í Faith, and have counted amongst them many fine souls who for one reason or another cannot seem to take the step forward of working actively for that which we cherish so highly.
Shoghi Effendi is pleased to see that you are a staunch friend of the Canadian Bahá’ís; for truly in their struggles, the more friends they have amongst the general public, the better.
There are, no doubt, always grounds for criticism. The Bahá’ís are not perfect, and are not able, at present at least, to put into practice all the things they stand for. However, he feels that if you compare them to the people of the world in general, you will find a high average of sincerity and dedication to a great ideal, and a tangible effort being made on their part to live up to that which they preach. As time goes by, and there are larger communities of Bahá’ís believing in the same things, it will obviously become easier for them to put them into community practice. Perhaps sometime you will feel moved to help them. Your collaboration would be most welcome.
He will pray that the dearest wishes of your heart may be realized, and sends you his kind regards.
Yours truly,
R. Rabbani
Posted by
6:53 AM
On the Baha'i Community as Shelter Anywhere in the World: Service to the Cause Makes Everywhere Home
"Manhattan Beach House," uploaded on January 9, 2008 by ::Topher:: on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
Cecily on a Year(almost) of service in Uganda
A conglomeration of shared community achievements, personal reflections, experiences, current events, art, inspiration, and life's lessons
Posted by
6:48 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
On Feeling Secure: Thou art my lamp, and my light is in thee
Posted by
11:14 PM
On the Disturbing News Received Today: Shiraz Youth Sentenced
This has been a day for disturbing news from the Middle East. -gw
Less heartening to read on my feeds was that 54 Baha'is have been sentenced to jail in Iran, simply for being Baha'is. The Baha'i World News Service reports on calls from both Amnesty International and the US State Department for Iran to release these prisoners. There is still a long way to go in both Iran and Egypt.
January 29, 2008 11:27 PM EST TEHRAN, Iran — Iran on Tuesday said more than 50 followers of the minority Baha'i faith were convicted of distributing propaganda against the country's Islamic regime, state media reported.
Ali Reza Jamshidi, Iran's judiciary spokesman, said three people, who were in custody in southern city of Shiraz, were sentenced to four years in prison. Another 51 Baha'i followers were given one-year suspended prison terms, Jamshidi said, according to the official IRNA news agency.
Last year, Baha'i communities abroad had reported that a group of followers were detained in Shiraz, located about 550 miles south of Tehran, while helping poor communities there.
Iran had been the cradle of the Baha'i faith in the middle of the 19th century. But the faith was banned after the 1979 Islamic revolution, and it is not recognized in the Iranian constitution as a religious minority.
The Baha'i faith was founded in the 1860s by a Persian nobleman, Baha'u'llah, who claimed to be a new prophet in the series of prophets that included Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Islam considers Muhammad to be the last of the prophets.
Baha'i News: Amnesty International, US State Department call for ...
Worldwide Faith News (press release), NY - 14 hours ago: GENEVA - In the wake of a US State Department call for Iran to release Baha'i prisoners, Amnesty International has issued an "urgent action" appeal on their ...
News in brief
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 3 hours ago: Associated Press in Miran Shah Iran has jailed three members of the Baha'i faith for four years for "making propaganda" against the Islamic system. ...
54 Baha’is sententenced in Iran for charity work - 16 hours ago: I would like to state the in all likelihood the Baha’i youth and volunteers were NOT propagating the Baha’i Faith in Shiraz. In the Baha’i Faith we firmly ...
Posted by
10:47 PM
On Being a Baha'i: Not Arriving, but Striving
Uploaded on September 11, 2006 by oschene on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
Being a Baha'i isn't a destination, as this aspiring servant points out. -gw
It is important to note that I am a part of the Baha'i community. But, I have come to understand "being Baha'i" to hold a very complex meaning. I feel that all evidence I have reviewed has affirmed the claims of Baha'u'llah to be the Manifestation of God for this Day, and I do my best to follow His Commandments for the betterment of this world and for my own soul's growth. But, to be a Baha'i is somewhat of a goal to be striven for. Maybe never to be realized. In the same way people often speak of approaching God, while His essence is inaccessible and unknowable. So, about me: Am I Baha'i? Well, I try. And I feel most comfortable just leaving it at that.

Posted by
10:00 PM
On Blog Coverage of the Baha'i Court Victory in Egypt: One Problem Solved

Egypt, Baha’is and ID cards - one problem solved
by Barney: They are legally required to have ID cards, as are all Egyptian citizens; they have to state their religion; but the system does not recognize “Baha’i” as a legitimate choice. Baha’is do not lie about their religion (and, in any case, ...Barnabas quotidianus -
Baha'i News: Egypt court upholds Baha'i plea in religious freedom ...
CAIRO (29 January 2008) -- In a victory for religious freedom, a lower administrative court here today ruled in favor of two lawsuits that sought to resolve the governments contradictory policy on religious affiliation and ...WorldFaith News - -
Victory for Human Rights in Egypt: Baha'is Can Have ID Cards ...
by Bilo: Since he was not permitted the issue of a national ID number and an ID card because of being a Baha'i, he could not obtain the required military certificate. These cases suffered six postponements before today's ruling. ...Baha'i Faith in Egypt -
Posted by
12:31 PM
On Religious Freedom in Egypt: Court Rules in Favor of Baha'is
The news is in. -gw
Egypt court upholds Baha'i plea in religious freedom cases
CAIRO 29 January 2008 (BWNS)
In a victory for religious freedom, a lower administrative court here today ruled in favor of two lawsuits that sought to resolve the government's contradictory policy on religious affiliation and identification papers.
The Court of Administrative Justice in Cairo upheld arguments made in two cases concerning Baha'is who have sought to restore their full citizenship rights by asking that they be allowed to leave the religious affiliation field blank on official documents.
"Given the degree to which issues of religious freedom stand at the heart of human rights issues in the Middle East, the world should cheer at the decision in these two cases today," said Bani Dugal, the principal representative of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations.
"The compromise offered by the Baha'is in these two cases opens the door to a way to reconcile a government policy that was clearly incompatible with international law -- as well as common sense," said Ms. Dugal.
"Our hope now is that the government will quickly implement the court's decision and allow Baha'is once again to enjoy the full rights of citizenship to which they are duly entitled," said Ms. Dugal.
The decisions today concerned two cases, both filed by Baha'is, over the issue of how they are to be identified on government documents. ...
Posted by
7:10 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008
On Spiritual Networking: I first came across Baha'i when I invited Leif inside Orkut
God gave us Baha'u'llah and the ability to create the technology whereby we may come to know Him. Social networking becomes spiritual networking. -gw
+ I first came across Baha’i when I invited Leif inside Orkut. He later on helped network me with some Baha’i within my city, although that is another story to tell. Anyways, I visited the Baha’i forum and after asking what their faith was all about, David was kind enough to give me an answer. One of the main things that makes the Faith real for me is the sense that it makes of the phenomenon of religion. What I mean is that there are so many different religious traditions, organizations, and practices out there, and if you talk for five minutes with people from any one of them you’ll realize that all of them contain not only a great deal of truth but also the ability to transform people. The idea of progressive revelation, that God has a purpose for humanity that is expressed and realized through the progression of these religions, the ultimate reality of which are beyond human ability to put into doctrines or words, gives the Baha’i faith an approach to other religions that is at once deeply reverent of their essence and yet not bound to the limiting dogmatic formulae that have been plastered on them.
+Orkut Search Toolbar Text User•de
Posted by
10:03 PM
On a Defense of the Faith of Islam: He did an excellent job!
A Baha'i defends Islam at Trinity College. -gw
Tonight the Theological Society had its first paper reading. Mark, who is a Baha'i and Chairman of the Society, read a paper he wrote on the history of Islam and the controversies surrounding its current mis-representations and mis-understandings. It was a great paper, he did an excellent job!
Posted by
9:53 PM
On Baha'i Community on Yahoo! Groups: A Non-Threatening Forum for Discussing the Baha'i Faith
There are 603 groups that come up if you search for "Baha'i" on Yahoo! Groups. This is one of them. -gw
Activity within 7 days: 272 New Messages
Description: This list is intended as a non-threatening forum for discussing and sharing information about the tenets, history, and texts of the Baha'i Faith. Interested persons of other religions are welcome to participate, however, it is not for promoting alternative religions. Likewise it is not a place for discussions challenging the authority of the elected institutions of the Baha'i community, most especially the Universal House of Justice.Postings should be courteous and respectful of others. The moderators will reject personal attacks (flames) directed at individual posters, similarly inflammatory attacks directed at religious institutions whether Baha'i or non-Baha'i, and articles which use offensive language. Articles may also be rejected if they are irrelevant to the list purpose.
Message History:
2007 Jan 1 * Feb 9 * Mar 453 * Apr 248 * May 429 * June 136 * July 737 * Aug 236 * Sep 553 * Oct 478 * Nov 412 * Dec 792 * 2008 Jan 1217
{Bottom photo: Uploaded on October 28, 2006 by mag3737 on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic}
Posted by
9:02 PM