Thursday, January 31, 2008

On Remembering Morrey: A Staunch Baha'i

m o r r e y a r e n b r o w n
December 28, 1988 ~ September 20, 2007

- m e m o r i a m -
spiritual warrior * scholar * athlete * pianist * poet * dreamer

Morrey attended Lindbergh High School through his junior year and graduated from Kentridge High School in June 2007. He planned to continue his education and training at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA in order to pursue his dreams of being involved in sports medicine and becoming an Olympic decathlete. His Bahá'í ( belief of "excellence in all things" drove him to be a gifted writer, classical pianist, athlete, and artist. His intellect and wisdom were those of someone beyond his eighteen years. He believed in service to humanity and was an active volunteer, coach, and mentor. Morrey was a “happy and joyful being" whose vivacity inspired everyone with whom he had contact. Still in this world are brother Ajan; father and mother Jonathan and Cynthia; great grandmother Theresa Collum; grandmothers Barbara Newman and Maureen Sullivan; Grantie Fa and Nette Lemon; and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. Morrey's earthly remains were interred in the San Luis Obispo Cemetery. Donations can be made to the Morrey Brown Memorial Fund at any Boeing Employees Credit Union.

Consistent with Morrey's striving for excellence in all things were many accomplishments at such a young age were:
City of Seattle Public Library -6th grade Poetry Award winner, 7th grade finalist
People to People Ambassador Youth Conference Delegate. Traveled to Florida
Presidential Award for Physical Fitness
City of Renton Champion in 100m, and 200m
Member of the Renton Youth Council
8th Place '05 Washington State Championship in 100m, 12th in 200m
7th Place at '07 Washington State Championship in 100m, 10th in 200m
Finalist at '05 and '06 Simplot Games
Many awards and medals in youth track and field including member of silver medalist relay team at Hershey Nationals
my son Morrey, a staunch Bahá’í, ascended on 09/20, only two days before the Hand of the Cause Varqa - Morrey's mother

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