On Baha'i: Number One Across in the Universal Crossword of Life

Pithy excerpts, personal learning, and mentions of "Baha'i" online
Posted by
6:12 PM
On a day before a three day weekend marking the traditional end of summer, I get the impression that no one is indoors reading blogs. But here I am, Lord, Google-ing "Baha'i" and finding many meaty offerings on the 'net. Some examples... -gw
Richard Hastings, "Where is God?" Radical Change
We believe that "seal of the prophets" did not mean that Muhammad was the last of the Manifestations, but rather more of a closing off of prophecy itself, or the "seal" as a kind of stamp of approval — or more accurately, of validation — of the previous prophetic messages. And we believe that while not all of the literal "signs of the return" may have accompanied the lives of the Báb's and Bahá'u'lláh, these various apocalyptic predictions are built up and exaggerated over the years.
Stephen A. Fuqua, "Missed Opportunity: Baha'i Connection to the Shi'a Mahdi," Safnet.com
Posted by
6:43 AM
Posted by
7:45 AM
An intesting side note and a pressing concern. -gw
Posted by
7:41 AM
The more I listen to Arise by the Dawnbreaker Collective and the Temple of Light Vol 1 albums, the more I am aware of the tremendous gains that have been achieved in producing high quality Baha'i-inspired music. I absolutely love the creativity of the Arise collaboration and the diversity of selections on the Temple of Light compilation.-gw
Posted by
6:54 AM
Posted by
6:27 AM
"Ditmas Park mural: Recently dubbed 'the most diverse neighborhood in America' by U.S.News & World Report, Ditmas Park attracts a broad swath of individuals and families from a wide variety of cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds." Uploaded on September 17, 2006 by anniebee on flickr
Posted by
5:52 PM
Posted by
7:33 AM
The San Bernadino County Sun ran an article about "Open Mosque Day," reposted on the blog of Hussam Ayloush, the Southern California Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who was interviewed for the article. -gw
Posted by
6:22 AM
On his blog Only a Game Chris provides a listing of religions from the oldest to the youngest. If you view Discordianism as a "parody religion," as described on Wkipedia, then Baha'i is at the bottom of the list, the youngest. -gw
"Believers sang song or pray to God of Taoism & Buddhism at the temple, Taipei"
Uploaded on August 13, 2007 by Sunshine Junior on flickr
Posted by
6:20 AM
On his blog Iguana focuses on the intersect of economic development and spirituality in a fascinating post on what has been termed the Grameen methodology, or micro-credit programs, which aim at alleviating poverty. -gw
I became interested in the Grameen methodology through research into complementary or social currencies and later in community banking methods practiced by the Baha’i international community. ...
As I ask and look for answers to many new questions about economic development, I find that many older questions are sprouting up anew. Foremost among them are concerns about focusing a development strategy entirely on humanity’s material nature, relegating our spiritual yearnings to the realm of personal, emotional fulfillment. There is of course, nothing wrong with development strategies that aim at generating material prosperity. In fact if a development strategy didn’t have this aim, it would be guilty of the opposite, and equally imbalanced, offence.
The obvious dangers involved in integrating traditional and dogmatic religious concepts into development strategies have distanced most of those interested in creating and increasing prosperity from discussions about the role of spirituality in development. Rightly so, as traditional religious discourse too often only fans differences and generates discord. It is easier to focus on issues we all agree upon, especially when they are also the most visible and cause the most immediate impact.
Giving up this easily on spirituality, and on the human spirit, however leads us to visualize development within a context that equates prosperity with material well-being. It also equates prosperity with properly conceived and functioning public, private and social structures taking socialism as its model, either consciously, or more likely, unconsciously. It has also led us to a tragically flawed economic order that celebrates material comfort of a few at the expense of monumental suffering of the masses of humanity. Simplistic answers to questions about generating prosperity thus generate hasty and ultimately shallow results.
Even though it implies a more complex planning and execution process, the “powers of the human spirit responsible for some of the greatest accomplishments of humanity’s past such as the power of unity, of humble service, of noble deeds, of love, and the power of truth” can be released only when development efforts are “formulated and carried out in the context of an emerging world civilization.” Indeed, this is a great and complex process that needs carry humanity into the next stage of its evolution defined by “a dual cry … heard everywhere rising from the heart of the great masses of humanity … that demands the extension of the fruits of material progress to all peoples and, at the same time, it calls out for the values of spiritual civilization.”
Defining the hallmark of this civilization occurs when universally shared values are elevated to principle. The overriding principle that contextualizes and provides a practical aspect to this effort is the oneness of humankind. A collective life that foments dignity, justice, participation and joy, as exemplified by the harmonious integration of a huge variety of cells in the human body, happens as a “result of a gradual unfoldment of the potentialities of the human spirit,” as these spiritual notions touch the very depths of human motivation. This evolutionary process “will attain a stage of fulfillment when humanity is at last able to undertake the task of laying foundations for a unified and advanced civilization. Progress towards such a goal demands rapid and organic change in the very structure of society, accompanied by an equally profound change in human consciousness.”*All quotes taken from “Science, Religion and Development”, pages 83 – 86, Dr. Farzam Arbab, FUNDAEC, 2001.
Iguana, "Grameen and Spirituality," Iguana Journal: Exploring the world as it is and might be...
{Re-posted with permission}
Posted by
6:10 PM
Posted by
5:52 PM
Uploaded on March 22, 2006 by Skip The Budgie on flickr
I am thrilled to come across a blog by J.A. Mclean, scholar of Baha'i theology. We have a neat book of essays by him on our shelf downstairs. Since I started blogging, I've thought those essays in blog form would be a natural fit. This post takes on the subject of religious dissidents and ex-Baha'is, noting as part of his discussion the following. -gw
People, generally, do not object to organized government, to an organized judiciary, to organized political parties, to organized education, to organized medicine, clubs, associations and societies. But except for official members, the religious “organization” in a secular age has become definitely suspect. And for good reason. ...
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Posted by
10:45 PM
Coercion has no place in religion. -gwI find different groups and religions interesting. One day you will see me reading the bible, read on buddaism to the Baha'i religion because I think it is important to learn about others beliefs so you can make your own desicions on what you believe. It all falls under love, basic religions basically say the same thing, they all pray and fills our hearts with peace. If people stopped focusing on other people and forcing others to believe what others believe than I think this world would be a happier place ;-) PEace and Love.
Posted by
10:21 PM
We Baha'is today should ask ourselves, do we want the Baha'i Faith to be just a select club or a spiritual community of the masses? This line of questioning has been posed to us in recent years by the Continental Counselors.
I had sent another email to Mary Ellen to invite her to our devotional meeting yesterday, but she didn't make it. As I learned this evening, Mary Ellen received instead a home visit from Counselor Murphy, our Auxiliary Board member Shawn, and our Assembly Chairperson Lori.
Our counselors, auxiliary board members, and local spiritual assembly members all make home visits, setting an example for us all. That's how important is teaching the Cause, given the urgency of the hour. Because Baha'u'llah did not intend for the Faith to be just a club.
Lori said, "It was a pretty amazing visit. Mary Ellen is reading the Gleanings that Shawn gave her at Chris and Shadi's, and she is talking like a Baha'i." -gw
+"Ye are even as the bird which soareth, with the full force of its mighty wings and with complete and joyous confidence, through the immensity of the heavens, until, impelled to satisfy its hunger, it turneth longingly to the water and clay of the earth below it, and, having been entrapped in the mesh of its desire, findeth itself impotent to resume its flight to the realms whence it came. Powerless to shake off the burden weighing on its sullied wings, that bird, hitherto an inmate of the heavens, is now forced to seek a dwelling-place upon the dust. Wherefore, O My servants, defile not your wings with the clay of waywardness and vain desires, and suffer them not to be stained with the dust of envy and hate, that ye may not be hindered from soaring in the heavens of My divine knowledge.(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 327) " Uploaded on August 22, 2006 by prema on flickr
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Posted by
9:13 PM
This is long, but worth it. This Baha'i blogger writes of a teaching experience and, in so doing, exemplifies the passion and the love for all humanity with which Baha'is are called upon to approach the responsibility to teach, especially given the needs of the current Plan. -gw
at the ticket counter i was told that my flight is not until tomorrow. this made me feel very alone. suddenly my expectations went from getting on a plane and waking up in michigan and seeing my mom, to shivering through the cold dark city all alone from a lonely airport of strangers to a cold desolate, late night, end of the line, BART station, to the spooky civic center station ghetto, to the actual ghetto, to my home, where no one is expecting my return, not even my cat. it was nearly 11pm and i felt nothing but desolation and dissapointment as i wheeled my things to the elevator and got on the air train to journey back to my sad life.
"An approaching train in the Civic Center BART station," uploaded on February 11, 2007 by Jeremy Brooks on flickr
Posted by
6:21 AM
To quote Stanley Black in "Os Quindos de Ya Ya" on the Something for Everybody sampler CD, these days "It's all video, video, video," and that's a good thing. All for YouTube stand up and holler! Good for teaching. Good for getting out the Baha'i message. Good for global communication. How powerful are the messages in the videos linked below? Thanks to John Conkling for bringing to my attention "Bahai Faith - A Way Forward" and Marco of Povo de Baha for "Egypt Tourism Ad." -gw
Posted by
6:11 AM
My morning all-Baha'i artists ipod shuffle. -gw
"No Stopping Us Now," Kiskadee, Don't Look Back
"Call to Nations," Russ Salton, Hearts on Fire
"We Are the People," Khoshmashrab, Hatami, Ferdowsi, Sharing Circles Songs for Kids (Ruhi 3)
"Chahar Midrab," Rahmotallah Badiyi, Zamaneh (Era)
"As I Am," Suzy K, As I Am
"Sufi Mali," XCultures, One World One People
Masnavi," Amir Haghighi, Temple of Light, Volume 1
"Amame," Lenor Dely, Amame
"Prayer," Ali Akbar Furutan, Melodies from the City of the Covenant
"Hollow Reed," BMG, Voices from the Black Men's Gathering
"Kraing Chapey," Daran Kravanh, Music Through the Dark
"Lightning Tree," The Pearl Divers, Destiny
"Canto," KC Porter, Embrace the World
"Don't Be Foolish," Doug, Baha'u'llah's Way
"Audio Track #2," Chanchai Baran & Jack, Thai & Lao Baha'i Songs
"Ya-Baha'u'l-Abha, Ya-Ali'u'l-Allah," Baha'i Chorale, Songs of the Ancient Beauty
Posted by
7:11 AM
Sunday morning I had occasion to visit a Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church and observe youth and young adults among those at the 9 a.m. sacrament service. Today I note a fascinating discussion involving dozens of comments to a post on a blog called By Common Consent which addresses what might be called religious diversity issues affecting LDS youth. The 52nd commenter is Portia who had this observation to share among others. -gw
As far as sharing similar values, one of my closest friends was Persian and Baha’i. We had interesting discussions about our respective religions, and she had very good morals as far as modesty, drinking/drugs, sex, etc., and she wasn’t Christian, let alone Mormon.
Comment on "Teenagers and Mormon friends" by Portia, By Common Consent
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Posted by
6:51 AM
Posted by
9:56 PM
The blogger of Welcome to My Home invites his readers to view the video "George Airy and Abdul-Baha" on YouTube, and offers the following observations. -gw
Posted by
6:11 AM
Posted by
6:19 PM
http://worldcitizensara.blogspot.com/Sara and Greg are back from Indonesia and have posted again. I was reading a previous post of Sara's and continue to find remarkable the incredible detail of her description of visiting Baha'i communities in Mentawai, Sumatra, Indonesia. -gw
Posted by
10:18 PM
Oh, God! -gwHate and violence just increases,
We're so selfish, cruel and blind.
We fight and kill each other,
In your name, defending you.
Do you love some more than others?
We're so lost and confused.
"Hello God" on the Halos and Horns album
Written & Sung by Dolly Parton
Posted by
6:57 AM
Blogging and Baha'i. They go together like beans and rice. It's page one Blog Search news. -gw
Blog Action Day October 15th 2007
8 hours ago by Suzie Cheel: Collis is a Baha’i and Blog Action Day was inspired by the Baha’i belief in the unity of humanity.
Blog Action Day will be on 15 October 2007
8 hours ago by pelf Blog Action Day is a blogging event scheduled to take place on October 15th, where bloggers around the world will unite to post on a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Each blogger will post about the ...pelf-ism is contagious - http://chenpn.com
Blog Action Day 2007 - The environment
2 hours ago by John I have to say this sounds pretty interesting on October 15th is to be Blog Action Day where bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind. That is the issue that is our environment. ...John Michael Ryan's Technology Rants - http://johnmryan.com
Blog action day for environment
58 minutes ago by Mihai Let’s see what happens if a lot of bloggers write about the same thing in one day? Would it matter ? Would you make a difference. Blog action day, on October 15′th will be the day when thousands of blogs will write about the one thing. ...PatchLog - http://patchlog.com
Blog Action Day - October 15, 2007
8 hours ago by Myo Kyaw Htun Blog Action Day - October 15, 2007 Blog Action Day. What it is ? Bloggers around the world who participate in Blog Action Day will post a single topic on October 15, 2007. The topic is “Environment“. Your post can be anything which is ...Myo Kyaw Htun . com :: A programmer studies... - http://www.myokyawhtun.com
Blog Action Day needs you!
16 Aug 2007 Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future. Blog Action Day is about MASS participation.Computerlove - Connecting Creative Talents - http://www.cpluv.com/ - References
Blog Action Day - October 15th - Topic: The Environment
6 hours ago by Andy Merrett On October 15th, the first annual “Blog Action Day” will take place, offering an opportunity for bloggers around the world to write about a common subject in whatever way is appropriate to them and their blog. ...The Blog Herald - http://www.blogherald.com
Blog Action Day
5 hours ago by PR Design An interesting concept, can all bloggers talk about the same thing at the same time? Or more importantly, will it work? It's a good notion but I'm not too sure whether it will have any impact... See what you think: Blog Action Day.Graphic Design Forum and Web Design Forum - http://www.graphic-design-forum.com
Blog Action Day 2007
16 Aug 2007 by Cyan Today is the launch of Blog Action Day! Blog Action Day is an initiative of Collis (our design guru) and Leo (our productivity guru). They are asking bloggers around the world to unite on October 15th, 2007 to post about the environment ...Freelance Switch - http://freelanceswitch.com - References
Blog Action Day, October 15th.
20 hours ago by CableGirl Sadly, there are some people out there who don’t. Don’t be one of them. If you have a blog and you want to help make the world a safer more inhabitable place, participate in the Blog Action Day. The idea [...]42 - http://cablegirl.wordpress.com
Posted by
6:46 AM
Bina took the challenge. She's a Baha'i now. -gw
40) 'Come Now, Let Us Reason Together (Saith the Lord)' by Hushidar Hugh Motlagh, Ed.D. ~ 08/15/07 247 pages. I actually became a Baha'i during reading this (yes, it's taken me a couple of months to get through lol), so this answered a lot of questions I had. This book basically explains the revelations of Christ fulfilled by Baha'u'llah. It's also a great book to read if you're wanting to learn more about The Baha'i Faith. +Bina+Books Accomplished: 40 / 50 books. 80% done!
Pages Read: 7371 / 10000 pages. 74% done!
Days Used: 226 / 365 days. 62% done!
Current Mood: good
Posted by
6:59 AM
This ad prompted the following post. "Religion should be the cause of love and unity." Indeed. -gw
Posted by
7:02 AM
When I first started blogging I thought readers always started with the top post. What I've come to know, but only when I got Sitemeter, is that readers come to blogs via as many doors as there are posts. Another benefit to sticking with a blog day after day, year after year. It is my hope that every post can be an avenue to investigation of the Faith. Another post, another door.
Posted by
6:43 AM