On A Way Exciting Life: Encountering Different Religions in Dallas

After we got done there we went to Soka Gakkai Buddhist place. It was very interesting also.... They did their chanting for us. It was definitely something that I have never experienced before. They were soo nice though. They had cookies and bottled water for us after we watched a video and they talked to us.

Friday was a long day. We were gone from about 8am until about 10:30 or so. ... Saturday we went to Jewish Conservative Synagogue at like 9am. The service lasted for 4 hours! We were there until noon! It was crazy. It felt more like our church than anything else we went to though. It's just that everything they did was in Hebrew. I did discover that chanting/singing in a different language makes me soooo sleepy. It was also a boy's bar mitzvah so he read a lot.
After that my parents came up and ate lunch with us, and then went to the mosque with us. The mosque was interesting. Several people told their stories of how they converted and they also gave us a lecture on their religion. We also got to tour their mosque.
After that we went to this Baha'i center. That was interesting also. They fed us sub sandwiches. It was delicious.
Everyone we met was so nice to us. It was just really neat how accepting they were to us. It had to make them nervous with like 70 something christians sitting in their place of worship. I really hope that we left a good impression on everyone that they met.

Ok well that is all I'm typing tonight. I'll put a post about my formal tomorrow!! Night!
Rachel, "What a Weekend!!!" Rachel's Way Exciting Life!
{Re-posted with permission}