On the Bosch Conference for Baha'i Techies and Bloggers (and Those Who Love Them): Release your creative and geeky energies
News of the upcoming conference at beautiful Bosch Baha'i School entitled "Cultivating The Roots" is roots-music for my soul. Baha'i bloggers, get in on this. -gw
Intended for both 'newbies' and 'seasoned' veterans of technology, the goal of Cultivating The Roots is to get both your creative and geeky energies better focused on serving the faith through familiarity of technologies both old and new. Through presentations, breakout sessions and general consultation, you will gain a better grasp of the tools and resources available that can be used to further yours and your clusters' teaching efforts. Learn More
The Baha'i Computer and Communications Association (BCCA) is pleased to announce the first ever 'Cultivating the Roots' technological conference!! This weekend-long event will be held at the beautiful Bosch Baha'i School in Santa Cruz, California, the weekend of May 4-6, 2007. http://www.cultivatingtheroots.org/
These institutions, agencies and specialties will be represented. -gw
US National Spiritual Assembly
Chief Information Officer, US National Baha'i Center IT Department
US Office of Communications
IT Architect, Baha'i World Centre Information Services
Baha'i Internet Agency
Incoming Internet Coordinator for the Baha'i Intl. Comm. Office of Public Info.
BCCA Coordinating Committee Members
Telephony Consultant
Software Developer
Usage Specialist
Computer Security Specialist
Don't miss out on this special opportunity. -gw
I got my ticket!
i would love to, but it ends the day before i get there. maybe next time?
love from leila
Sounds like a very interesting event... Maybe i should get my English writing baha'i inspired blog back on its tracks...
Santa Cruz (California) is so far away from Portugal...
Aaargh. I wanted to go, but I will be celebrating my wedding anniversary this weekend. I hope that someone will be live blogging from this event!
You don't have to be physically present at Bosch to participate. Go to "cultivatingtheroots.org" for information about audio streaming and blogging from the event.
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