Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On Shattering the Status Quo: A sleepy farm town in Persia awakens

Nayriz was a sleepy farm town in Fars province Persia, where people grew dates and pomegranates and lived peaceful lives. But it was a stifling peace without hope, where the future was merely a continuation of the past. On May 27, 1850, the status quo was shattered. Vahíd proclaimed the message of the Báb from the pulpit of the Jumih mosque in Nayriz, and Nayriz would never be able to return to the way it was before. It had been jolted into the painful throes of awakening.
The history of the Baha'i Faith is rich and inspiring, as the story of Naryriz exemplifies. -gw

Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz by Dr. Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman brings to life in words and images the heroism and sacrifice of the early believers in Nayriz. The book recounts in vivid detail Vahid's mission to Nayriz and the upheavals of 1850, 1853 and 1909. Awakening Awakening also describes the growth and evolution of that city's flourishing Bahá'í community.

This video describes the heroism and suffering of the Bábí and Bahá'í women of Nayriz through three violent upheavals in 1850, 1853, and 1909.

Babi Women of Nayriz from Nayriz.Org on Vimeo.

View the historical web page of Nayriz and story of Vahid :

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