Tuesday, June 01, 2010

On a Community That Embraces: Baha'is in Lewis County

Thanks Judy and Jill for passing this on. -gw
Subject: The Chronicle article: Baha'i, 22 May 2010

In case you didn't see it, here is the article done by Centralia/Chehalis' The Chronicle on 22 May, 2010. Despite the possible  impression that Baha'i Faith is a Native American faith group (erroneous) or that Baha'is from other faith backgrounds "retain their own religious customs and holy days" (reporter  misunderstanding), we thought that the article was fair and factually pretty accurate. This is the first time anyone from the Chronicle has initiated any contact with or invited information about The Baha'i Faith, so we were pleased with the outcome.

BTW, Baha'is are frequently involved in multi-cultural activities, usually focused on whatever cultural groups are prevalent in an area. Additionally, Baha'is from other faith backgrounds are neither required to nor prohibited from participating with their families in celebrations from their previous faith traditions.


Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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