Friday, March 07, 2008

On The Meaning of the Covenant in the Words of a New Baha'i: That the chicks may be aware and stay close to their Mother

A newly enrolled Baha'i describes the meaning of the Covenant, in a story from -hw

The new believers who embraced the Cause of God during the recent successful expansion phases in United States have been called by the International Teaching Center as "These precious followers of Baha’u’llah." In continuation of visiting the new believers in their homes, today a teaching team of three Baha'is visited the home of a newly enrolled Baha'i friend, who declared on February 22, with the same team. We wrote about him before and his great spirit. Today, we met him again in his home. After a prayer session; we started to have some conversation on the theme of eternal Covenant asking him to read the Bahá’í writings on this subject in Spanish language, He is much more fluent in Spanish. We asked him then whether he would kindly explain what he read for us in English. ...

In a simple English language he tried to say that he sees Baha’u’llah as a Dove and the people, like him, as the chicks that have just started to fly with feeble wings and in great danger of falling. To protect these chicks the Dove (Baha’u’llah) sings constantly Coo, Coo, Coo . . . that the chicks may be aware and stay close to their Mother and gather only around Her. This is the meaning of Covenant, he said.

{Photo:Uploaded on April 23, 2006 by jimall on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is nice. It is wonderful to see people who get the concept in such a simple and elegant way like this. It also reminds me of the prayer "broken winged bird."