On the Direct Teaching Successes of the 1970's: Baha'is Savor the Memories
Vahid and Jeannette's site http://teachingandprojects.com/ continues to be a wealth of information, both current and historical, to inspire the Friends in their teaching. They outline current content in the following. -gw

We are so thrilled to see so many successful teaching efforts all over, and as they become available to us we will share them to the extent that is possible, but for now we are happy to share with you a story of direct teaching on the Navajo Reservation in the 1970’s. The story is dedicated to our youth and children and describes how direct teaching was done then at Window Rock, heart of the Navajo Nation; how Chester and Ben Kahn made home visits to influential leaders of the Navajo Nation; how Howard McKinley, an old Indian Medicine man, who held a great station among his people, being one of the tribal leaders serving on the Indian Council, became a Bahá’í and addressed his people about the Faith.
To view the presentations go to:
1) http://teachingandprojects.com/
2) click on "Stories" on the left hand side of the page
3) Find and click on the “Direct teaching on the Navajo Reservation in the 1970’s”
4) Save or open it and wait for it to download
At your request, we will enumerate some of the additions and updates to the above site since we last posted it here, as follows:
1) In the “Home” Page
·.... Bahá’í prayers site
·.... Bahá’í toolbar
2) In the “Guidance” page
·.... The International Teaching Centre letter of July 1992
·.... Compilation on receptivity and capacity.
3) In the “Means and Material” page
·.... New “Anna’s presentations” and two new related websites
·.... “Two Arms of the Administrative Order” power point presentation
·.... Special ideas
4) In the “Efforts” page
·.... U.S. Bahá’í Newsreel
·.... Columnist Shoaleh Young’s articles
5) In the “Children and Pre-youth” page
·.... “I believe” power point presentation
6) In the “Art and Music” page
·.... Melody of Greatest Name video
·.... The latest power point presentation of “Life of Bahá’u’lláh”
·.... “Glorious Sacrifice” video
·.... “One God”: Song by Barbara Streisand video
7) In the “Stories” page
·.... Revision of “Direct teaching on the Navajo reservation in the 1970’s”
8) In the “Other sites” page
·.... “On Line journal of Bahá’í studies” site
·.... “Witnesses to Bábi and Bahá’í history” site
Enjoy them.
Vahid and Jeanette Hedayati
{Photo: Uploaded on January 15, 2008 by Wolfgang Staudt on flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic }
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