Monday, October 16, 2006

On 透气: I quite agree with Baha'i's explanation

According to the translation available through Google's Language Tools, the blogger's final comment in this entry, reposted below, is: "I quite agree with Baha 'i's explanation." The blogger's name is O~fat and his blog is Ming Dynasty. He is a PhD Student at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. To see pictures of the blogger and the pictures he took of the Baha'i House of Worship in nearby Wilmette, Illinois, click here. -gw

这估计是近期唯一一个能透口气的周末,去了趟Baha'i Temple. Baha'i 的教旨宣扬所有的人不分种族同属于human race。现存的几大宗教也被其纳入体下。Baha'i fath 认为,佛教,基督教,伊斯兰教,印度教等宗教的创始人其实都是God派来的谕者,所以各个宗教所信仰的神其实是一样的。而Baha'i的创始人Baha'u'llah就是由神所派的最近的谕者。Baha'i起源于伊朗,而伊朗则至今还在打压这一新兴的宗教,并迫害了很多信徒(起码他们是这么宣传的)。Baha'i temple全世界只有8个,全美只有这一个。建筑很别致,但基调还是像伊斯兰风格。

O~fat, blog entry for 10-15-06, Ming Dynasty

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The phrase you excerpted is actually prefaced by the phrase "If there is in fact a God, I quite agree....." The first part of the post gives some standard information on the Baha'i Faith. Your blog continues to be fabulous!