Thursday, December 27, 2012

On Releasing the Power of Youth: You're not an adult yet, but you're not a kid

The music teacher at the First Creek Silent Auction credited high school students in attendance with having done most of the work on the fund-raiser. 

Recognition of the inherent capacity of youth is at the heart of the Baha'i-inspired Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program. 

Stephanie elaborates. -gw

From the beginning to the end of his life man passes through certain periods, or stages, each of which is marked by certain conditions peculiar to itself. For instance, during the period of childhood his conditions and requirements are characteristic of that degree of intelligence and capacity. After a time he enters the period of youth, in which his former conditions and needs are superseded by new requirements applicable to the advance in his degree. His faculties of observation are broadened and deepened; his intelligent capacities are trained and awakened; the limitations and environment of childhood no longer restrict his energies and accomplishments.

Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace

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