Monday, June 20, 2011

On My Andrew Wyeth Painting: Bonita's world

Bonita's world
My Andrew Wyeth painting, from this last weekend, taken with my camera. The one above does NOT look like Wyeth's famous "Christina's world," however, but check out the photo below for one that kinda does. First, here is the original.
Andrew Wyeth, "Christina's world"
Here is mine. -gw
Magnified be Thy Name, Thou art the Best Beloved Who hast enabled me to know Thee and Thou art that All-Renowned One Who hast graciously favoured me with Thy love. Thou art the Ancient of Days Whom none can ever describe through the evidences of Thy glory and majesty, and Thou art the mighty One Whom none can ever comprehend through the revelations of Thy greatness and beauty, inasmuch as the expressions of majesty and grandeur and the attributes of dominion and beauty are but the tokens of Thy divine Will and the effulgent reflections of Thy sovereignty which, by reason of their very essence and nature, proclaim that the way is barred and bear witness that the pathway is inaccessibly beyond the reach of men.

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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