Monday, August 23, 2010

On River Banks and Marvelous Bones: God giveth, God taketh away

The Apostle of God—may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him—hath also said: “He 181 that looketh upon the sea at eventide, and saith: ‘God is Most Great!’ at sunset, God will forgive his sins, though they be heaped as piles of sand. And he that counteth forty waves, while repeating: ‘God is Most Great!’—exalted be He—God will forgive his sins, both past and future.”
We went to sleep by the banks of the Columbia River, along the only stretch of river that still runs wild in the State of Washington. We gloried in the sunset. The next day we ventured up a rocky cliff and marveled at bones and the laws of nature. -gw
O My friend! Many a hound pursueth this gazelle of the desert of oneness; many a talon claweth at this thrush of the eternal garden. Pitiless ravens do lie in wait for this bird of the heavens of God, and the huntsman of envy stalketh this deer of the meadow of love.

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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