Saturday, January 02, 2010

On the role of Women in this Age: What some Muslims are saying about the role of Baha'i women as peace makers

From Robert of Northwest Baha'i Library... -gw
A Baha'i woman, Dr. Basma Mousa, was named one of Egypt's 10 most prominent women this past year in the Egyptian magazine "Yawma'l-Sabi". She was praised for her courage to insist on proclaiming her Faith:  (in Arabic)

Dr. Mousa was a key figure in the court case regarding Baha'i citizenship rights in Egypt during the past few years. She is a professor of dentistry at Cairo University.

Here is a translation of some of her views:

More on the Baha'is of Egypt can be found here:

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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