Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On a Similarity Between The Garden of Eden Story and The Persian Hidden Word #19

Árvore da Vida - Tree of the Life by Thiago Leon - thiagophoto!.
Uploaded on July 13, 2008 by Thiago Leon - thiagophoto! on flickr
Génesis 3:22-24

"Então disse o Senhor Deus: Eis que o homem é como um de nós, sabendo o bem e o mal; ora, para que não estenda a sua mão, e tome também da árvore da vida, e coma e viva eternamente em seus pecados, o Senhor Deus, pois, o lançou fora do jardim do Éden, para lavrar a terra de que fora tomado. E havendo lançado fora o homem, pôs querubins ao oriente do jardim do Éden, e uma espada inflamada que andava ao redor, para guardar o caminho da árvore da vida." - Almeida, Versão Corrigida e Fiel

"I've been thinking about a similarity in the story of the Garden of Eden and the Persian Hidden Words #19."
Rouha on Facebook. -gw

O MY FRIENDS! Have ye forgotten that true and radiant morn, when in those hallowed and blessed surroundings ye were all gathered in My presence beneath the shade of the tree of life, which is planted in the all-glorious paradise? Awe-struck ye listened as I gave utterance to these three most holy words: O friends! Prefer not your will to Mine, never desire that which I have not desired for you, and approach Me not with lifeless hearts, defiled with worldly desires and cravings. Would ye but sanctify your souls, ye would at this present hour recall that place and those surroundings, and the truth of My utterance should be made evident unto all of you.

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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