Saturday, December 19, 2009

On Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Baha'i Presence on the Internet: Baha'is, share your learnings

Mapa de Internet 6

Mapa de Internet 6 by sebasorribas.

Mapa de Internet del proyecto Internet Mapping Project, que llevan a cabo Hal Burch y Bill Cheswick. El proyecto está auspiciado comercialmente por LUMETA. Uploaded by sebasorribas on 4 Jul 07, 12.23PM PST on flickr

Any Baha'i who has a presence on the Internet should consider sharing his/her insights on this blog and become in a participant in a unique learning experiment. -gw
  • What are we trying to achieve when we communicate on the internet?
  • Are we just trying to convey information about ourselves or are we trying make a positive impact with friends, neighbors and coworkers?
  • How do we constructively contribute to a different type of culture on the Internet, whether through concepts, language, use of technology, or creation of spaces that truly reflect Bahá’í vision, ideals and spirit?
  • Are we just riding the Internet wave and not innovating?
  • Can spiritual empowerment occur through the Internet?
  • Can we increase our community of interest through electronic social networks?
  • Is there a role for intensive use of the internet during the various phases of Intensive Programs of Growth?

If you are interested in exploring some of these questions together, you are invited to participate in a learning experiment. We are attempting to gain more information on three interrelated key points:

  1. How is the internet being used to explore the teachings of the Faith with others?
  2. How is the internet being used to elevate the discourse of society?
  3. If you are not currently involved in this purposeful use of the internet, what are some ways that you could engage others on the internet to produce a purposeful result?

We would then like you to share your learning, successes and failures, to this blog as a central point of capture. Share you strategies and lines of actions. Update your progress and the advancements you have made. Our goal is to collect a large amount of learning for analysis on the effectiveness of our presence on the internet. In addition, we hope to elevate the discourse of society by having more and more people consciously thinking about the ideas presented here and then purposefully communicate in a way that addresses these ideas.

You should feel free to contribute to this experiment anonymously if you like. You may also wish to review position papers for ideas and guidance at <>. Data from this blog will be gather and analyzed by the Bahá’í Internet Agency.

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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