Thursday, April 03, 2008

On Circles of Interest and Disinterest: Yours for the blogging

This is a circle of disinterest. Doesn't care about blogging, yours or any other hepcat's. Not what the Baha'i International Teaching Center is encouraging us to nurture. It is our circle of interest on the internet that we wish to expand with each and every blog post, as Praveen's marvelous slide show inspires us to do. Take a look, if you haven't already. -gw

Page 9
– What's it??
An Interactive website
where one person [blogger]
shares information on a
particular topic which is
viewed and responded by
his circle of interest on the
Page 10
Blogging opens new avenues for sharing the message of Bahá’u’lláh.
It is a grassroots participatory undertaking
Page 11
Blogs can serve as an instrument to draw that particular
community of interest to the Revelation and to Bahá’í
community activity
The networking phenomenon associated with blogs allows for
information to reach potentially large numbers of like-minded


juicemilk said...

Hey, it's a good slideshow, but broken link! It changed to 2008/04 in the url.

GWD said...

Hey, thanks, JM. I have corrected the link.