Thursday, March 13, 2008

On You Could Be an Eastern Orthodox Jewish Quaker Roman Catholic Conservative Christian Protestant Baha'i: And not even know it

Andy takes the Belief-o-Matic Quiz. You could be an Eastern Orthodox Jewish Quaker Roman Catholic Conservative Christian Protestant Baha'i, and not even know it. -gw

Comment from: Andy [Visitor] ·
1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)

2. Eastern Orthodox (90%)
3. Roman Catholic (90%)
4. Orthodox Judaism (81%)
5. Orthodox Quaker (80%)
6. Bahá'í Faith (79%)

I am kind of surprised by the Baha'i faith. Other than that, fairly expected. Liberal Christianity was #8 one percent above Islam.


Barmak Kusha said...

i can't tell you how many similar stories ive heard, and how many people i know of that have become baha'is as a result of finding out about the faith in this way!

GWD said...

Yes, these quizzes have been valuable instruments for introducing the faith and engaging the true seeker.