Sunday, March 09, 2008

On the Prophecy Fulfilled Webpage: Thank you, Joel

The 9th most popular post out of the 1500 or so posts I've done so far on Baha'i Views is" On The Apostle Paul: A Baha'i Perspective." I will bring forward a comment that Joel of the Prophecy Fulfilled website made today to this 19 month-old post. -gw

I have a few articles about Baha'i & Christian dialogue type topics on my webpage at Paul's writings were endorsed by Peter - although Peter said that many people were misinterpreting Paul. Much of what Paul wrote is the opposite of what the churches teach today. Paul's major doctrinal statements are remarkably consistent with the Baha'i views. Abdu'l Baha said that Paul was Jesus' "most faithful servant."

Joel Smith's site is truly a wealth of information for the "prophecy-loving" person, whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, or Mormon.


*Commentary on
The True Meaning of the Prophecies Concerning the Return of Christ from the Baha'i Writings... (6K)
Would you have recognized Jesus? If you had been there 2000 years ago do you think that you would have recognized Jesus as the Messiah? by Joel Smith (29K)
Do Baha'is believe in Jesus Yes! (5K)
Are Baha'is Christian? Are Christians Baha'i? (3K)
*Commentary on
the Trinity from the Baha'i Writings (5K)

Bible Interpretation... should the Bible be interpreted literally or spiritually? (6K)
New Testament Standards of Bible Interpretation by Joel Smith (21K)
*Comments on the
Return of Elijah prophecy by Joel Smith (23K)
Jesus' Covenant Jesus established a covenant with his followers to provide them with authoritative leadership after his own death. How closely has the church remained faithful to this covenant? by Joel Smith (37K)
*Commentary on Jesus' statement
"I am the way" by Joel Smith (15K)
*Commentary on
Resurrection by Joel Smith (26K)

Two thousand years ago Jesus said "I have come down from heaven" What did Jesus mean by this surprising statement? by Joel Smith (12K)
Commentary on
the return of Christ from heaven
Commentary on
the Rapture by Joel Smith (30K)
Baha'u'llah's Tablet to the Christians (17K)
Power to Renew the World: A Challenge to Christians by William Hatcher and Thomas Thompson (24K)
Thank you, Joel, for the wonderful service you have been providing through your website over the years. -gw

1 comment:

M.Champ said...

Great Website. He really sets the record straight on the Pauline controversy that I have read and heard. His series of lectures actually had me weeping with astonishment as to the beautiful symbolic nature as well as the stunning accuracy of the Bible, and the Baha'i Faith's place in it.