On Youth Leadership: Capacidades para el desarrollo personal, para las relaciones interpersonales, y para la transformación soc
Baha'is all over the world are demonstrating cutting edge approaches to education. Vahid in Bolivia has some intriguing slides and photos on his Picasa site on the subject of youth leadership. -gwLiderazgo Juvenil Evento de integración 1
Universidad Nur, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Photos: 23 - 4 MB
_pd (18, 9, 2007);
Sep 18, 2007 Public
Primer evento de integración del proyecto de Liderazgo Juvenil 2007. http://picasaweb.google.com/vahidm/LiderazgoJuvenilEventoDeIntegraciN1
Hi there! I am the author of those slides, and just wanted to clarify that "Youth Leadership" is a program of Nur University (Bolivia). Nur is a bahá'í inspired higher education institution, and devellops social development projects such as "Youth Leadership". Those programs are therefore inspired by the Faith, though they do not "teach" the Faith at all. Youth Leadership is based on the Moral Leadership framework, created by Eloy Anello and Juanita Hernandez at Nur University.
Thank you, Vahid, for this important clarification.
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