Wednesday, February 13, 2008

On Baha'i Epistolary: A website of incredible intellectual and spiritual depth suspended in time

Baha'i Epistolary is not really a blog, but a website of incredible intellectual and spiritual depth suspended in time. Consisting of just 20 entires, posted in May, June and July of 2007, the site remains freshly relevant, worthy of a permanent place on your computer Favorites. Baha'i Epistolary is an inspiration to Baha'is who will need to arise to the challenge of being able to address the controversial issues of the day, a surprisingly short list of them in many respects, but issues that will not just blow away. Humankind needs to be brought on board to the teachings of God for this day one soul at a time, and the independent investigation of truth cannot be rushed. Baha'is need to be loving and patient to engage the true seeker. The tone of Baha'i Epistolary is just that, loving and patient. -gw

* Processes of the 5th Epoch
* Secular vs. Religious Historiography
* Meditation on the Martyrdom of the Báb: And a Provisional Translation
* Direct Teaching Methods and the Institute Process
* A Reconciliatory Approach to Homosexuality
* Dealing with Racism within the Bahá'í Community
* Bahá'í Scope for Political Activism
* Failure, Grace and Self-Disclosure
* The Sacred in Motion: A Bahá'í encounter with Lakota spirituality
* Divine Retribution against Jews: Beyond Anti-semitism
* Daring to be Vulnerable
* "Due Process" and the Bahá'í Community
* Problems with the Ruhi Model
* Bahá'í Excommunications and Takfirs
* Poems of the Journey: In Circumambulation
* A tribute to ten Shirazi women
* Seeing the end in the beginning: the Birth of the Báb
* Poems of the Journey: Preamble to a Wish
* Poems of the Journey: Absent Beloved
* Fanaticism or Relativism: Can a Bahá'í be Certain?

Bahá'í Epistolary
These are reflections written in the midst of conversation about the astonishments of life as a Bahá'í. A collection of efforts to hear and answer beyond words the questions and responses of another soul - a vulnerable yet sincere epistolary seeking truth, hoping to resonate in this space with other yearnings and astonishments amidst our ever diverse and ever approximate responses to the immensity of life itself. It is humbly dedicated to the Universal House of Justice.

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