Friday, September 07, 2007

On Friendship: You're not allowed to cry, I want to be a Baha'i

Yuko and Kat, Kat's Quest
A loving testimonial to a friendship. -gw

In our first year of University, 2002, our rooms faced each other - by the Will of God. Once I got over my jetlag (I had just returned from pilgrimage and a trip around Europe), Yuko and I began getting to know eachother. It didn't take long until we found ourselves staying up past midnight reading passages from the Bible and discussing the many questions that have concerned us over the years. We would read with only the light of a small desk lamp. Our friendship blossomed that year.

The next year we didn't live together but we were most certainly still close. After completing Ruhi book 1, one day during exam time Yuko approached me and said we needed to talk. While in line to order pizza she turned to me and said "you're not allowed to cry but I want to declare myself as a Baha'i". I cried. She told me off. ...

My beautiful, wonderful, loving, sweet, kind, forgiving, selfless best friend ... I miss you.

Kat, "To Yuko,"Kat's Quest

{Re-posted with permission}


Anonymous said...

What a sweet, touching story!! Thank you for sharing, and for your visit to my blog earlier. You have a fantastic blog here, and I'm continuing to learn more as I read! Keep up the fantastic work here :)

Unknown said...

so sweet :)