Tuesday, May 22, 2007

On Watching the History Channel and Googling a Religion: Any Baha'i "Worships" Nearby?

Cameron from Clemson catches a program on TV, hears of a new religion, and googles it. She is feeling pretty open about what she believes. -gw

"Clemson University Walkway to English Department," uploaded on April 8, 2006 by tikpaklong on flickr

I heard mention of this religion while I was watching the history channel the other day so I decided just to Google it and see what it was all about. It is called the Baha'i faith and I am not going to attempt to explain everything about it right now. But, it believes in a united global community and bringing people together through religion. It could definitely be considered as controversial by some because of all the religions it incorporates but I really can appreciate where they are coming from. I am looking into it to see if there are any Baha'i "worships" nearby so that I can check it out for myself. I am still trying to find out what I believe so I am feeling pretty open.


Cameron said...

I feel really honored that you decided to use my blog within your own :-) Thanks for the encouraging words, I am just glad to know that someone can read and appreciate what I have to say.

Anonymous said...

This makes me warm, especially considering I found the Faith through a bit of google-ing, if you remember way-back-when.. ;-)