Monday, March 12, 2007

On Baha'i "Firesides": Pleasant People, Nice Religion and a Social Evening

interloper n. One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons; a meddler.

I must admit, I wasn't sure I knew what an interloper was so I looked it up. Not an interloper, not an interloper, Mambolica, you're not! -gw

Tonight I am going to a Baha'i "Fireside" with my neighbour. That should be nice. I feel sort of like an interloper, but they're pleasant and I learn about another religion (and one that is rather nice, at that), and have a social evening.

1 comment:

MiRSCH said...

Wow, that's a random discovery of myself being referenced in a blog. Oh the Internet, what a wacky place. :)