Thursday, December 07, 2006

On Martha Root's Example: Unloose your tongues and proclaim unceasingly His Cause

These pictures aren't from someone else's blog I'm re-posting. They were e-mailed to me today by Barry, a member of my study circle here in WA Cluster 19. He kindly granted me permission to put them out into the blogosphere for others to appreciate. -gw

I sent my son, Josh, who is in the Coast Guard stationed at Barbers Point, Hawaii, on a mission to photograph Martha Root's graveside, and here they are! - Barry

Many people's minds are on Hawaii today, December 7th. It seems fitting to be remembering a person who was forever striving to bring about the Most Great Peace on a day that for has long been associated with the start of a terrible war. -gw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent to see these photographs. I love the story of Martha Root - she went so many places. I met a lady in Tasmania, now passed away, who had heard her speak. She reminds us to always be caring of all peoples, whatever their walk of life, King or Queen, or school children. I'll post a link to a poem on Martha Root later, but I am waiting till it comes out in a Magazine first.