On Walking and Talking: People Are Just Hungry for the Baha'i Faith
From carmelelephant's Your old road is rapidly aging
For the times they are a-changin' - bob dylan on LiveJournal
For the times they are a-changin' - bob dylan on LiveJournal
carmelelephant's lj pic

Current mood:
love love love
I love people.
Photo: Stuart Robinson

This morning I met Julia, and she was so awed by me. I felt uneasy because I wanted to make the best impression that I could. But she hung on to my every word and was so fascinated by what I had to say. The three of us walked along the shore of Lake Michigan, and I tried to answer all her questions. We finally reached the House of Worship and walked around the gardens smelling the flowers, and Julia mentioned that when her brother came there to visit, he said this religion was too good to be true. aww man hearing that stuff makes me so happy!!!
We briefly went through the visitor's center and upstairs, and then made the long walk back. Took 3 hours total... so my legs hurt. When we got back, Julia thanked me so genuinely and said that she wanted to see me again.
People out there are just hungry for the Faith, and I didn't even have to do anything, they came to me!!! isn't it amazing?
I also really need to read more so I know what I'm talking about when I'm teaching.
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