Wednesday, May 31, 2006

On Jumping Feet First: Feeling Good as a New Baha'i

Not Matt

First entry, new blog called So Now I've Got a Blog:

Monday, May 29, 2006: jumping feet first

ok, so my life is up in the air right now. like Isaac Newton trying to prove gravity with an apple dropped from a ladder. but it's good... i can't even explain it but i'm totally cool with the fact that i don't have a clue where my life is headed. i just declared as a Baha'i and i'm going back to the school (for architecture unless i change my mind). i'm quitting a good job (for someone without a degree that is). and i feel the best that i've ever felt these last five or six years. go figure... ;)

Matt, "Jumping Feet First," So Now I've Got a Blog

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