Wednesday, March 22, 2006

On Exploring World Religions: Being Attracted to the Baha'i Faith

Jess' post "When God Made Me" on her blog Rambles, Reviews and Rants is a lovely expression of the questions that come up for this young working married mother of two as she encounters religious diversity among her co-workers in the workplace. It is having children that bring so many adults to ask ultimate questions. Parents ask, what spiritual foundation can I give to my child that will make sense in light of the conditions of the world today? The entire text of this remarkable post is great reading, including the author's inclusion of the lyrics of a religiously provocative song by Neil Young entitled "When God Made Me," hence the title of her post.

I was raised a Protestant Christian. I have embraced my faith and at times in my life been very passionate about it. Interestingly, the older I get the more I am moving away from truly believing in the doctrine of the Christian faith. I just cannot accept that the majority of the world is going to suffer in Hell for enternity because they do not "know" Jesus or believe He is the Son of God. Why would God have taken the time to create such an intricate world and to give life to so many humans and creatures just to let their souls be damned? It seems too cruel and too simplistic to me. There are so many paths to all the great aspects of humanity that I believe God gave to us in His image for there to only be one path to God. How many ways are there to love in this world, be happy, find success, celebrate life and faith? Countless, countless ways. So, there must be countless ways to find God and hold Him in your heart. ...

I have begun to wonder if all the world religions were presented to me and I had no prior knowledge of any of them with no emotional ties to my own faith, which would I choose? I honestly think I would be most attracted to the Baha'i faith. It is such a wonderful peaceful faith. ...

Jess, "When God Made Me," Rambles, Reviews and Rants


Annie said...

I really appreciate your blog George and the questions that it brings up. It is good for everyone to question what they believe and discover for themselves why they believe it, not just believe it because that is what they grew up with. I know that I had to go through that point in my Christian walk when I had to really analyze whether I believed the Bible because I really believed it to be true or because that is what I had been taught all my life. It was a long process but I came to the place where I knew that I truly believed it to be the truth.
I know that the question of why God would allow so many people to be damned is a very common one. It is very common even among Christians. But it all goes back to creation when God made Adam and Eve and He made them perfect. They had a perfect relaionship with God and it was not hindered by sin. Then they decided to disobey God and their sin was passed down from generation to generation. Sin is what separates us from God. God does not desire that any should perish in hell. But it is us who make that choice ourselves when we choose not to accept God's way of salvation. We paved the way for our own damnation and God paved the way for our salvation. It is up to us to accept it or not.

Jess said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and then excerpting and linking my blog here. I have you bookmarked as well as your wife's blog and look forward to following both in the future.

I really appreciated your kind thoughts and I am eager to learn more about your faith. I have two books about Baha'i that I checked out from the library and will try to read in the near future.

Anyway, thanks again!