Sunday, February 26, 2006

On Ayyam-i-Ha: For Baha'is, Days Outside of Time

Happy Ayyam-i-Ha, this four (or five) day time of parties and gift-giving for Baha'is from February 25 through March 1st. An album of children's songs by the same name, which featured the voice of the much-loved Hand of the Cause of God Bill Sears, I will forever associate with the period, as I played a tape of these songs for my children over and over until the tape finally broke when they were young. Here is an excerpt from an article about Ayyam-i-Ha:

Ayyám-i-Há can be thought of as days outside of time, days that symbolize eternity, infinity, and the mystery and unknowable Essence of God Himself. Contemplation during these days of the timeless mystery of the Essence of God provides us the "joy and exultation" with which to "sing His praise and magnify His Name."

Karla Jamir, "Days Outside of Time"

1 comment:

GWD said...

See my wife's blog for 2/27/06 to see her write up of our community's Ayyam-i-Ha celebration.