Saturday, March 10, 2012

On a Rite of Spring: A community garden as social space

With the coming of spring almost around the corner Bonita and I are looking forward to once again connecting with our friends at the Franklin Park community garden where we have two large plots.
The third most viewed photo on the Baha'i Views / Flitzy Phoebie account
The fellowship within this social space gives us many opportunities for spiritual conversations. Bonita has become friends with a gay couple, a retired couple, an elderly Japanese gardener, several college students, immigrants from Estonia, and people in all walks of life. The collaborative work of the gardeners includes growing food for local food banks in addition to serving their personal needs. There is constant sharing of ideas that impacts garden layouts from year to year which results in increased productivity.
Soon I will condition the berms, work in fertilizer and mulch, and Bonita will determine which plants to grow for meals throughout the summer.
Some of her cooking projects using the bountiful produce from our garden are featured in our Flickr account here, and here. -gw

In reality thou art spiritually hungry and athirst for the Water of Life. Therefore I send thee spiritual food and bestow upon thee the Water of Life Eternal. That food is the divine advices and exhortations revealed in the Tablets and the spiritual outpourings of the Breath of the Holy Spirit. I hope ere long it will reach thee and thou wilt behold what an exhilaration and beatitude it produceth and what cheerfulness and serenity and what heavenly emotions it createth!”


Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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