Monday, January 10, 2011

On Technology: Changes not only the functioning but the conception of society, indeed of existence itself

Revolutions in science and technology change not only the functioning but the conception of society, indeed of existence itself.
My new computer.
Seriously, this computer below on display at the Royal BC Museum looks just like the one that Tim kindly loaned me to do my papers on back when I was working on my Master's back in the early 90's.
And this is the technology I embraced back in the early 70's to transcribe my father's autobiography on.
Baha'i teaching back in the early 70's often involved a filmstrip projector, pictured below, and a shoebox cassette tape recorder.
Bonita associates her father with one of these.
Her aunt had one of these cream separators on the ranch near Augusta, Montana. -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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