Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On It's Not the Bears or the Packers in Tacoma, It's the Invaders: Coach Henri meets Coach Charles

The Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers are getting ready for the Superbowl, which marks the end of the NFL football season, but for the Tacoma Invaders, the football season is just beginning. They start practicing in January and have their first game in May, playing through the summer.  I had the bounty of being at their first practice last Saturday, along  with my friend Henri, a member of the Northwest Regional Baha'i Council. 
One of the coaches of the Invaders is a Baha'i, Coach Charles. I wanted Henri, who is kinda like a coach to all of us the Baha'is in our area, to meet him.
Saturday was a sunny day interrupting a chain of rainy days. An auspicious start, I'd say! -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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