Saturday, December 18, 2010

On Once in Every Week: Engage together in praising and glorifying the Lord

"Once in every week, gather ye the steadfast friends together in a meeting place, and there let them engage praising and glorifying the Lord."
--'Abdu'l-Baha, "The Importance of Obligatoy Prayer and Fasting"
I knew about the importance of choosing to recite one of the three obligatory prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah each day. These prayers are meant to be said privately. They are for the individual believer for his or her personal communion with God. And there are enumerable other revealed prayers we can draw on to have conversation with Him.
Today I learned -- I mean REALLY learned -- about the place that collective worship has in the Baha'i Faith.
We are called on by Baha'u'llah to gather together for devotional gatherings. The multiplication of devotional meetings is an essential element in the expansion of the Cause. The first act of service to our community that we can provide is to offer a devotional in our home. An outcome of participation in Ruhi Book 1, "Reflections on the LIfe of the Spirit," is the establishment by the graduate of his or her own devotional.

Gather ye together with the utmost joy and fellowship and recite the verses revealed by the mericful Lord.

-- Baha'u'llah, quoted in "Thje importance of Deepening our Knowledge and Undrstanding of the Faith"


...all should gather together, and, harmoniously attuned one to another, engage in prayer...

--'Abdu'l-Baha, "Star of the West, May 1919"


...the holding of regular meetings for worship open to all and the involvement of Baha'i communities in projects of humanitarian service are expressions of ... a further step in the implementation of the Law of God.

-- The Universal House of Justice, "Further Application of Devotional Laws, 28 December 1999

We're going to Tim and Deb's devotional tomorrow. What fond memories we have of their devotional over the years! -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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