Wednesday, November 03, 2010

On What Bonita Told Our Elected State Official: Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues

Without knowing it until the end of the coversation, my wife talked by phone to our local elected state representative for 20 minutes on election day. The state rep had called asking for our son Rahmatullah to encourage him to vote, if he hadn't already done so.
I can think of several reasons why Rahmat might be called as part of a turn-out-the-vote effort. For one, at 27 he's relatively young. And then there is his Arabic first name, unusual for these parts.
Rahmat wasn't home, but Bonita told our elected official that Rahmat hadn't voted because he had been turned off by all of the negative campaign ads by by both sides in the election. "Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues," my wife said, quoting Baha'u'llah, and demonstrating the power of Ruhi Book 1 to assist in the memorization of nuggets of truth from the Baha'i Writings.
The election was yesterday. Tonight we begin the first of two Book 1 Baha'i study circles to be taking place in our home each week here this fall.
Tonight also is a Baha'i election. The local spiritual assembly members are gathering at our home right before the start of the study circle to participate in the vote for the Regional Baha'i Council. I'll bet we have 100% participation in the election and no negativity.
There was more to what Bonita said, but I'll leave it to her to tell it on her blog, if she wishes. -gw

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