Sunday, November 28, 2010

On I Want: Por la lucha contra la violencia hacia la infancia...

Dario Cardoso, Baha'i musician from Santiago, Chile, put up a music video on his Facebook that I recognized immediately. Thanks to the Tacoma Public Library I have the song on my iPod; "Yo Queiro," or "I Want,"  is included in Putumayo Presents: Latin Playground. It is a song against violence towards children.
One day when I was putting together a playlist for a Baha'i event, I asked our Auxiliary Board member Mauricio to review some songs in Spanish and tell me which ones were the best. He said "Yo Queiro" was especially good. Now I know why. -gw
See Counselor Daniel Duhart, Dario Cardoso, Javier Duhart and Felipe Duhart here:

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