Friday, October 22, 2010

On Babies, Brains and Relationships: Some take-away messages

This is re-posted from a blog I have the privilege of doing for the Peninsulas Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Group of which I am a member. As it has to do with optimal human development starting in the earliest days of life, it fits right into the mix of posts on Baha'i Views, it seems to me. -gw

The Kitsap Interagency Coordinating Council arranged to have Sheri Hill, PhD, to come to yesterday's Kitasp Interagency Coordinating Council meeting for a 3-hour training entitled "Babies, Brains and Relationships. The turnout was great, and the presentation was compelling. Here are some of the take-away messages, as gleaned from her slides. 

I have just half of the photos but none of the video clips uploaded yet. Here is the first installment, including the pics above.  -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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