Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On the Value of the Association for Baha'i Studies Conference: Feeling a presence of the Divine and a sense of unity

Seeing David's pictures from the Association of Baha'i Studies Conference on Facebook reminded me of an event that I didn't intend to miss, but which I did. I will strive to experience it vicariously by reading the posts I can find on the Internet, such as this one from Heather. -gw
The value of being at the conference, for me, was that I was reminded, again, that I am not alone in feeling a sense of the presence of the Divine. I was amongst over a thousand people, gathered from all over the continent and beyond (several Australians, even!), whose sole purpose was to participate in an event designed to raise our spirits in the sense of unity provided when listening to elevating thoughts, participating in wonderful conversations, and meeting old and new friends, most of whom are adherents of the Baha'i teachings. A panel of scholars from the First Nations offered insights into breaking down barriers between cultures; a Canadian-Iranian lawyer gave a profoundly deep assessment of the gravity of the human rights situation for the Baha'is of Iran, based in his extensive work with peacekeeping and important organizations; a Chinese choir came and sang and several of the women danced in a gorgeous traditional piece; an excerpt was offered from a play by the Asplunds; various wonderful musicians, including Eric Harper, Mo Carlton, RoseMarie Peterson, and Nancy Ackerman, performed a wide-range of types of music; I was offered the opportunity to share my poems with a thousand people, along with fellow poet Jim West; we were addressed by a woman who serves to counsel and encourage the Baha'is of the world

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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