Monday, July 12, 2010

On Counselor Serrano Visits Tacoma During Its Intensive: And guess what, he likes soccer

My wife thinks this photo has Normal Rockwell possibilities...

The table with the teaching packets was strategically located right next to the TV with the final game of the World Cup. Not that even the majority of souls out to assist with the intensive Baha'i teaching campaign are soccer fans, but it was an interesting juxtaposition. As souls filed out to their cars to go to their respective neighborhoods for teaching, they could catch the score at least.

There was one person present on Sunday who did show special interest in the game, Counselor Navid Serrano, who is from Mexico where soccer is king, although in northern Mexico where he grew up baseball at least gives soccer a run for its money, he told me.

Our dear Continental Board of Counselor member was visiting for the weekend, and we were blessed to have him speaking at Chris and Shadi's fireside Saturday night and to have his wise counsel as we prepared for teaching. The game was still not decided when it was time for us all to leave. It was a 0 to 0 nail-biter. Navid, like the rest of us, left without knowing the outcome of the game. Psssst. Spain won. -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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