Monday, July 26, 2010

On How Can Feeble Reason Encompass the Qu'ran: Or the spider snare a phoenix in its web?

Beautiful photo, huh! Reminds me of this quote in Baha'u'llah's The Seven Valleys. -gw

God, the Exalted, hath placed these signs in men, to the end that philosophers may not deny the mysteries of the life beyond nor belittle that which hath been promised them. For some hold to reason and deny whatever the reason comprehendeth not, and yet weak minds can never grasp the matters which we have related, but only the Supreme, Divine Intelligence can comprehend them:
How can feeble reason encompass the Qur’án,
Or the spider snare a phoenix in his web?

All these states are to be witnessed in the Valley of Wonderment, and the traveler at 3every moment seeketh for more, and is not wearied. Thus the Lord of the First and the Last in setting forth the grades of contemplation, and expressing wonderment hath said: “O Lord, increase my astonishment at Thee!”
Likewise, reflect upon the perfection of man’s creation, and that all these planes and states are folded up and hidden away within him.
Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form
When within thee the universe is folded?

Then we must labor to destroy the animal condition, till the meaning of humanity shall come to light.

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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