Thursday, May 13, 2010

On Laptop in the Shop: Time to memorize Baha'i Writings

Dandelion Uploaded on May 13, 2010 by Michele Marmotte on flickr
Verily, I implore God to gaze upon you with the eye of His mercy, to raise you through a godlike power, to move you by the breezes of His glory, to make you fluent in irrefutable and divine proofs and arguments, to sever you from the world and all therein, to purify and sanctify you from every material grade, and enable you to diffuse the bounties of the Divine Worlds.
This is the text I memorized last night while I cut my hair. It was Bonita's birthday.
We spent it at home puttering and preparing. I mowed the yard while Bonita popped out dandelions. I read from my Ruhi study circle materials that included the text above and from The Child of the Covenant by Adib Taherzadeh about Abdu'l-Baha, I cut my hair while Bonita watched old episodes of Deadliest Catch. Bedtime came early.
It was an oddly productive evening. Why? Because the laptop is in the shop. No Internet or e-mail reading at home and, of course, no blogging. What blogging I'm able to do is at work, before my workday as I'm doing right now, or at lunch.
This thing about how constant access to the Internet can interfere with living. It's kinda true. Moderation in all things. -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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