Thursday, May 20, 2010

On an Appreciation of Water: Thanks be to irrigation

This is an overnight canoe paddle we've never taken. We have canoed from the starting point down a few miles and then back as a day trip, but never from the put-in point on Dobson Rd all the way to the Potholes Reservoir.
Last weekend we explored lakes along the Winchester Wasteway that are accessible from near the Potholes State Park. Our campsite was a primitive site, exquisitely isolated, with a great view of the water.
It is irrigation run-off that created the lakes and wetlands we explored. Grant County, where we went for our nature experience, would be nothing by desert sage brush were it not for the Grand Coulee Dam, completed in the 1930's, which has provided the irrigation for agriculture throughout Central Washington. We passed mile after mile of orchards of every kind on our way to our campsite. Those trees, including the trees upon which are grown the famous Washington State apples, are all irrigated by the water of life diverted to their roots. Abdu'l-Baha uses irrigation as a metaphor in this discussion of the Coveant of God in the following passage. -gw
The more this Covenant is strengthened, the happier, the better, the sweeter it will be and it will thus attract the divine confirmations. If the friends of God are wishing for confirmation in order to enjoy the friendship of the Supreme Concourse, they must exert themselves to confirm and strengthen this Covenant; for the making of a covenant, and an alliance for brotherhood and unity is like unto the irrigation of the tree of life which is conducive to eternal life!

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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