Sunday, April 04, 2010

On a Change in Routine: Tacoma to Seattle & back

A one-day training in Seattle changes my routine. Instead of heading to Bremerton last Thursday, I head up to Seattle, but not before my regular early morning visit with my wife over coffee and the newspaper in the living room.
On the way up I pass a car accident and say a little prayer. 
At the end of the day I head back through traffic to Tacoma. Driving from downtown to my home I note a few iconic landmarks and some personal ones, too.
It's been rainy all day, but I arrive home in semi-sunshine.
There is a Baha'i devotional meeting tonight. Louis, Rocky, Mel, Carrie, and Arlene all come. I'm a happy guy. -gw

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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