Sunday, February 21, 2010

On a Sunny Sunday: Getting in a visit

Ruhiyyih and Matt:
Bonita at Watson's Nursery:
Bonita at Goodwill, hunting

Today, after my daughter and son in-law hit the road back to the Tri-Cities concluding their weekend visit, after I ran Bonita out to Watson's on a pursuit for seed potatoes and then to Goodwill just for fun, I stopped by Linda and Robert's to say hello. It's been a while. Together with my sons Rahmat and Taraz, I had helped them move to their new home last year. When I arrived today, they were in the process of unpacking and putting on shelves more Baha'i books they had just gotten out of storage. With Olympic hockey on TV in the background, we got caught up and made some plans. -gw

Upon the wall:

On a side table:

A teaset awaiting visitors:

Have you heard?

Pamphlets at the ready:


Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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