Monday, February 15, 2010

On the Rocky Stories: Pentacostal pastor joins a Mormon church

Rocky is a natural-born story-teller, his stories intrinsically interesting.  He is a Baha'i now, after a long spiritual journey. Here Rocky tells of how he departed from his Pentacostal home church, where he was a pastor, and became a Mormon and a ward leader. Rocky's story is to be continued, as long as I have a camera and he gives me permission to pass on his tales. 
Every person's story is interesting and blog-worthy. Each deserves to be told. Journeys described all take us to the same place ultimately, a place of unity. When the oneness of humanity, of God and His religion become apparent to the traveler, he has arrived at the fundamental truth enunciated by Baha'u'llah for this day. -gw

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