Monday, December 28, 2009

On Ruhi Book 3: Confirmation of the importance of the right kind of early childhood education & its importance in our work as Baha’is

Photographs by Chris Nolen taken of Baha'i children's class in the Pierce Pennisula WA
This in from Deb who knows of my admiration for the Head Start program through my work with it as a contracted mental health consultant. -gw
I heard this story on the radio yesterday about the lessons learned from the Perry Preschool and thought it was very interesting: 
The conclusion that it is the non-cognitive learning that leads to success in life is what was most interesting to me and relevant to our work with children’s classes.  It reminded me of what was mentioned at our Ruhi 3 Refresher about the advanced educator who referred to the Ruhi Book 3 curriculum as “cutting edge”. 
The post also mentions the problem with kindergarten becoming too much like regular school, (which is also happening with preschool) with no play, sitting at desks doing worksheets, etc. This has always been a big beef of mine.
Anyway, another confirmation of the importance of the right kind of early childhood education and its importance in our work as Baha’is. 

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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