Monday, December 28, 2009

On Photographs as News Items: 18 October 2009 - the trial that should have started today against seven Baha'i leaders

Meanwhile back at the Ranch by christer.bjorklund.

26 dec 2008: Dussintals demonstranter, främst kvinnor och barn, blockerade för en stund ingången till en av Frankrikes mest berömda och prestigefyllda hotell på annandagen för att kräva bättre lågprisboende.

December 26, 2008: Dozens of protesters, mainly women and children, blocked for a while, the entrance to one of France's most famous and prestigious hotels on the other day to demand better low-cost housing

Uploaded on January 20, 2009 by christer.bjorklund on flickr

An artist on Flickr has created a set of photographs each of which is intended to represent a news item. One of those pictures, uploaded today, relates to the incarceration of the seven Baha'is in Iran.

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch by christer.bjorklund.
18 oktober 2009. Den rättegång som skulle ha inletts idag mot sju Baha’i-ledare, som sitter fängslade i Teheran sedan 17 månader, skjuts plötsligt upp på obestämd framtid.

18 October 2009. The trial should have started today against seven Baha'i leaders, imprisoned in Tehran for 17 months...

Uploaded on December 28, 2009 by christer.bjorklund on flickr

Posted via email from Baha'i Views

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