On the Baha'i Teachings on Abortion: Remembering Seals and Crofts "Unborn Child"

Underdog of Perfection is a blog
by room34, a.k.a. Scott Anderson,
a Minneapolis-based freelance
web designer/developer/consultant
and independent musician.
Scott's blog entry today reflects on one particular Seals and Crofts song, a song that came out shortly after the Roe vs. Wade decision back in 1974. Of course, that song is "Unborn Child." Scott applies the word complicated to Baha'i beliefs about abortion. Brent's overview describes the general policy as clear and includes extensive relevant quotes. -gw
I’ve tried to do some research (since I’m ignorant on the matter) on what Baha’i says about abortion (you can google it for yourself), and have come to the conclusion that, just as I’ve been saying, it’s complicated.
So it would be important to come to terms with what the [Universal] House [of Justice]describes as "the general guidance given in the Teachings." That general guidance appears to me to be "Abortion merely to prevent the birth of an unwanted child is strictly forbidden" and "Basically the deliberate taking of human life is forbidden in the Cause".
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