Friday, October 23, 2009

On the Two Who Voted No to H. RES. 175 Condemning the Persecution of Baha'is in Iran: Everyone has a right to their opinion

I noted that the U.S. House passed this yesterday.



Condemning the Government of Iran for its state-sponsored persecution of

its Baha’i minority and its continued violation of the International Covenants

on Human Rights.

I noted the votes were 407 yeas and 2 nays. Two is not a big number compared to 407, but I wondered, who were the two Congressman who went on record as being against the resolution? So I went to this page which gave me the breakdown. I noted that there were 23 Congressmen who were listed as "not voting." The two who voted against were Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Ron Paul of Texas. Although I am curious as to what the reasoning of the two was, I am deeply grateful that the other 407 who saw fit to vote for this resolution. That human rights are God-given rights is my belief. We all have a right to our opinion. -gw

Posted via email from bahaimusic's posterous

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